joined 2 years ago
@ayyy Sorry you disagree, but fact remains you can't redefine language to mean whatever suits your agenda.
@ayyy Need to look up the term gender dysphoria in the DSM. Stop mutilating children so that they have no reproductive potential as adults.
@lvxferre Yes bad behaviors are on all sides, how do we reign in that human tendency towards self justification and aggression and get to the point where we can discuss or even argue if we must, facts and ideas, based upon their merits alone without so much emotional overtone?
@5714 But there because it's divided into groups, those of us not interested in atheism never even look at it.
@secret300 @sunzu2 Odd, I just use it from Firefox on my desktop. It does want me to accept cookies, that is how websites maintain a login session since otherwise http is a stateless protocol.