
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

We feel you :'(
Since 1.5 months we're fighting for the life of our cat Loki. He usually had 6-6.5kg and only has 4.25kg left because of his gastritis, after surgery of an unrelated eye tumour, when we're did a gastroscopy.

We tried to give him some stomach protector, which he hated. So I mixed it into his food, which only led to him declining his diet food more and more.
We switched the stomach protector to something more easily eaten and we started cooking for him - every 2h from 5 in the morning until 1 at night (sometimes also at 3, when he had appetite)
Didn't really help...
So he got daily subcutaneous infusions with antibiotics and after a week or two he was much better and even gained like half a kg.
He was happy, we were jumping in joy.
But exactly after the last control visit at the vet, he declined his food again and 2 days layer he was diagnosed with a pancreatitis.

So he would need to go for 24 hours stationary at the vet with IV infusions.
That didn't work out, as he wouldn't hold still without us.
So we went with him and did daily IV infusions for nearly 2 hours a day and he finally got better.

He gained nearly 1kg and we were happy as fuck - him as well, as he was enjoying just being outside again.

Then he started puking again...

So the vet told us, that we need to switch to a specific diet food instead of our low fat cooking.
He surprisingly ate 1-1.5 portions, but after that he declined it again - even with Mirtazapin to give him some appetite.

That was yesterday. So last night he like really proudly showed me his puke, with a face of "look what this new food has done" and we switched back to cooking.

I'm currently at the end of my wisdom and we're emotionally completely drained.
I'm self employed and haven't worked for the whole time now, because I can't focus anyway and with him being miserable I was just a 24 hours nurse. My wife luckily had a vacation now, so she could jump in a bit, so I could catch up with some sleep...

But it's a daily rollercoaster. Sometimes he has good days and wants to go outside, sometimes he just want to sleep and mostly he cuddles with us.

He is the nicest and bravest cat I've ever had and we'll fight however possible. But have my whole sympathy as we now how shit it is to see your loved cat deteriating and you can't do much but watch :-(

I actually wanted to add some pictures as tax, but I can't find an easy easy in comments (in my mobile app) now

At least feel hugged from very understanding other cat owners, currently facing mostly the same dilemma
(By now I could probably fill a book just with the shit that happened in the last month...)

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Not OP, but can only speak from my experience: Installing a second WM/DE usually messes up my install, as quite some stuff is just from one GUI framework, so I don't have to have to much stuff installed.
Also getting rid of it afterwards always wasn't as easily possible.

I completely get trying out a WM y firing up a VM. You could even just boot the live USB stick to check it out.
But changing my working install just to try something (and then have to clean it up again) wasn't working out for me in the past

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I'm also happily running Manjaro on my new Framework 16.
Even the fingerprint sensor works fine - although I'll still need to tune LightDM a bit, so I don't have to press enter.

Do you have any tips what you have done further or any resources?

At first the WiFi wasn't working and is still a bit unstable - like isn't available as interface after booting and I need to toggle flight mode.
But it seems a newer kernel (6.10.6-10) mostly fixed it.

Also sometimes coreboot seems to take some time. But only every 10 boots or something.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Keeping the older cars running would be quite some effort - like in keeping spare parts and so on

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Well hopefully, they deserve it at least just as much, for most of the them more, than the rest of us

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

Not sure what you want to say with that

[–] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

Ok, I'll go search for your other comment

Edit: I'm still not sure how the US supporting Israel is making Russia attack Ukraine or how that should be connected - obviously, geopolitical everything is somehow connected, but not causal

Edit 2: I'm absolutely not in favour of US backing Israel (or their fucking imperial capitalism), but do you want to say, that Russia had no other choice or...?
I do know this sounds foolish, but I'm currently really struggling to make sense of what you want to say

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (3 children)

I'm really not sure, if I can follow.

How is Israel (absolutely doing a genocide atm - just to have that said) involved with that? What's the connection?

Maybe I missed something just scrolling through?

[–] 7 points 6 days ago

Thanks! Couldn't come up with the correct word and settled for "syrup" ;-)

[–] 16 points 6 days ago (2 children)

You don't make opium from the seeds

You can wash them though and the "syrup" around contains morphine, codeine and stuff.
The seeds themselves don't get processed, but the poppy cup gets cut so this white liquid flows on the outside.

That you scrape of and gets processed to opium or heroin.

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Most stupid book I've ever read...

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Happens to everyone

Just having a multitude of terminals open with a mix of test environment and (just for comparison) an open connection to the production servers...

We were at a fair/exhibition once and on the first day people working on an actual customer project asked us, if they could compare with our code.
Obviously they flashed the wrong PLC and we were stuck dead at the first hours of the exhibition.
I still think that this place was cursed, as we also had to do multiple re-soldering of some connections of our robot and the sherry on top was the system flash dying - where I had fucked up, because I just finished everything late at night and didn't made a complete backup of everything.
But it seems, if luck runs out, you lose on all fronts.

At least I was able to restore everything in 20mins. Which must be some kind of record.
But I was shaking so much from the stress, that I couldn't efficiently type anymore and was lucky to have a colleague to just calmly enter what I told him to and with that we're able to get the show case up and running again.

Well, at least the beer afterwards tasted like the liquid of the gods


it seems, when there is a load issue for the comments of a post, I'm just getting shown the comments of the previously opened post.

Which is pretty confusing ;⁠-⁠)

anyone else or is it just me?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

hi all!

I do see the correct amount of posts in the overview, but the posts screen itself is empty.

not sure if this is a Jerboa issue or one of the Sopuli instance


edit: thanks to burgersc12 & jcreazy I tried toggling the "Show read posts" option and although it was originally activated, after reactivating I can now see me own posts again :⁠-⁠D
so, problem solved - but the behaviour was still very strange


not sure if this will be a double post - somehow my first try didn't show up


sounds a bit stupid, but since the last update I do get answers to my comments in my messages, but I can't directly answer them, or I don't find the correct button for that

now I go to to the original thread, search for my comment, scroll through the answers, pick the one I wanted to reply to and then I can answer

I'm not sure, if I'm just to bind/stupid, but earlier I somehow had that option - IIRC

can anyone tell me, if I do something wrong here?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

hi all!

this is kinda a test post/help request/bug report

I tried to post an image to, which is then uploaded to the local instance (sopuli). link itself is working, but the preview/thumbnail in the post isn't showing up and the image isn't accessible that way.

I tried through Jerboa and now through the web frontend, but no luck either.


so, I'll try to post another picture of Loki to try if it's because of the remote instance or whatever is happening.

if anyone has an idea... I'm running out of them

edit: ok, at least for me the image doesn't show either. is this just me or anyone else having the same issue?

edit 2: I've made a successful test of an image post, that wasn't created with my Pixel 7 Pro and that one shows without issue
I guess, I'm hitting a limit somewhere or maybe some meta data causes a hiccup. size wise the images aren't really big (1.5MB, 1.8MB). so, not really sure what the issue could be

edit 3: well, I've tried 'Scrambled EXIF' and 'Exif Eraser' and at least that didn't change a thing. when I let the image through Signal, where AFAIK EXIF data gets removed and also done compression is done, I can post the image.

edit 4: to verify it's the file size, I tried now with a downloaded hd picture (3.5MB) and that one doesn't show either. here is the test post:
maybe it's not even a limit on the file size, but a transmission timeout?

I think this is currently the end of my testing, as I can't think of much more test cases.

edit 5: nope, large picture just took more time and shows correctly bitte. must be something with the Pixel 7 Pro

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Hi all!

I tried to attach a image directly to a post, but although the link seems to ok (at least it works inside the comment body as a link), it isn't loaded or shown in the thumbnail

said post:

did I do something wrong or is anyone else having similar problems?


submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

hi all!

first off, sorry, I'm completely new with Jerboa (and also Lemmy). but sometimes it seems I can't directly open links in posts.

the upper post has this issue (I can still copy the link, but there is no way to directly open it), the lower post in the screenshot has the link functioning.

am I missing something?

thanks for any suggestions!

edit: it seems sometimes the thumbnail isn't loaded correctly. so just "clicking" into the empty dark space on the right opens the link.

at least for me that has worked now in every case. (sorry for also posting a comment with the same content, mis-clicked and I let it stay, if someone only checks new comments or something)

edit 2: I think this is a Lemmy, and not Jerboa, bug, because I think this two are the same:
seems some images aren't processed correctly, when it's an image post. all my Pixsl 7 Pro photos aren't working, but are shown without problems, when inserted in the post body or a comment

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