Going to have to change up our recepie some this season then! We've typically just done the onions with some oil and butter, deglaze with some white wine, and use whatever stock we have plus some beef stock with thyme and a bay leaf. Smoked turkey stock was probably the best.
joined 1 year ago
You're doing way more for your players than I have time to do. Looks awesome!
Real MVP play is telling us all how it was done
Looks awesome! Do you have a recipe? Too hot during summer, but soup season will soon be upon us
Looks awesome! What kind of pizza oven did you use?
Check out cube cobra.com for several example cubes. Also there's several good podcasts out there like lucky paper radio, solely singleton, and "the 540".
Honestly, if you have a bunch of draft chaf from a set you really liked, just shuffle that up and start drafting it. You'll figure out what you and your playgroup like and don't like, and you can start picking up cards that pick those play styles from there.
The nice part about cube is you really control the play environment. Power level, synergy's, fan favorite cards, etc.