
joined 11 months ago
[–] 14 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The fresh prince is an ancient text now. It's a few lines on the wikipedia page of the guy who slapped that other guy at the Oscars

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Amazing tagline. You should pitch this to their marketing team

[–] 48 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The relatively low level of plastic in our testicles

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

This says nothing about Saudi Arabia deliberately ending the deal or wanting to opt-out, as OP's article implies. At best, they're saying the deal reached some natural expiration date. There have been no public comments either way to suggest that the deal has expired, anything out of the ordinary has happened or that it will not be renewed if this is the case.

More importantly, this is an opinion piece on the stock tip section of a website that is notably not a news agency. If this were true, it would represent a massive Geo-political shift and would have been widely reported by now.

[–] 27 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

This story is nonsense.

No news agencies are reporting on this and I can't find another source for what would be one of the most consequential stories in the world if it were true

[–] 65 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

They have 2 robots so far. I believe they can make it to 5 by next year and the other 995 will just be people in spandex suits like the first time he announced these things

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Fun fact: for non-Americans, who are most of the world and the biggest contributors to box office take for MCU films, this character and premise is just goofy. The films are fun to watch in a campy sort of way, but I was surprised to hear Americans talk about them as a serious spy thriller series

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

Unfortunately the MCU model is that director vision is cast aside in favour of producer input. It's why Eternals looks like an artistic Chloe Zhao film, but is a muddled mess of a story. We were deprived of an Edgar Wright Ant-Man film for the same reason

[–] 28 points 2 weeks ago

Eternals. Too many characters, not enough story. It's also sinfully boring. Not to mention the random Harry Styles cameo that feels like an outtake

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

They wasted Christian Bale. What a compelling villain he could've been if they had actually written a good story

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I apologise for these old comments and withdraw them unreservedly and the upset that they have caused.

A Reform UK spokesman initially said: "Through offence archaeology the BBC has found that Mr Gribbin has made a series of comments about a number of subjects.

They keep making this sound like something that happened a long time ago but he wrote all this stuff in 2022! Next they'll tell us he was a younger man and it was actually socially acceptable in those days to be neutral on Hitler.


I could use some honest advice from experienced programmers and engineers.

I'm almost at the two year mark as a developer. On paper I might look like a passable Junior Dev, but if you sat me down and asked me about algorithms or anything else I did to get my job in the first place I would be clueless. I can solve problems and always get my work done, but I don't even know the language/framework I use daily well enough to explain what's going on, I can just do things. I don't think I have imposter syndrome, I think I really might have let any skill I had atrophy.

I used to enjoy programming as a hobby in my spare time, but in two years I've opened the IDE on my personal machine no more than twice. People talk about all the side projects they have, but I have none. I feel too stressed out from the job to do any programming outside of work, even though I love it. I feel like I can't level up from a Junior to Senior because I either don't have the headspace or the will to do so. It doesn't help that the job I've had has taught me very little and my dev team has been a shitshow from the beginning.

At the moment I have an offer on the table to do a job that isn't engineering (but still tech) and it surprisingly pays more. Part of me thinks I should take that job, rediscover my passion in my spare time and build my skills, but I fear I might go down this route and never be able to come back to engineering. Not that I'm sure I want to.

It might sound defeatist but I don't think I'll ever be a top 5% or even 25% engineer. I could be average with a lot of work, but not great. I could potentially be great in the new field I'm being recruited for, but that's also hard to say without being in the job.

I know that some people just aren't cut out for being engineers. Maybe I have the aptitude but not the mentality to do this for 30+ years. I want to know if that's what it sounds like to people who've seen that before. If you were in my position, would you walk away and just be a hobbyist programmer or stick it out and hope to be a mediocre engineer one day?

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