
joined 4 weeks ago

agreements with americans are worth nothing. why keep your promises to them? they will not keep theirs to you. this whole shit show started because americans do not keep promises.

[–] 9 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

so, I don't know if the shit hole made anything WORTH copying, but why respect american intellectual property? you know americans don't respect yours. copy NVIDIA's CUDA shit, if that's efficient. fuck em.

but they left in the first place, rather than just saying "no. you are not a part of the government. DOGE is not in the constitution. the executive explicitly does not have this power. come back when you have a charter from congress. security was called the moment you walked into the control tower."

yeah. they build a weapon to slay truth. and it's really tedious to try and fight that. better to just let them.

i mean, I get it. it's exhausting and infuriating, but this one is kind of fucking important. it's not like it's just a waste and a bunch of scams like cryptocurrency was.

he's been a fascist for a long-ass time.

also, the whole thing is a tax scam. if you have one newer than like 2014, you're fair game til you ditch it.

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (9 children)

they literally do things like remove search operators. you can't even search the names of items. you cant do a - or a "" or whatever on you used to be able to. there are a lot fewer on google than there used to be too; they removed them a long-ass time ago, but the shit I learned about advanced search in high school no longer exists. it's more profitable to just give you the slop they want you to have.

narcissists will not respect you if you don't fight them tooth and nail on every single possible thing.

if you give them an inch, you are done. do not let the americans have shit. punish every gesture.

the pandemic response was fucked. trump failed catastrophically. biden failed catastrophically. covid is now endemic. it is not past tense.

more than that, the whole field of epidemiology and study of infectious diseases is now polarized; like 30% of the country is actively opposed to the very concept of public health measures now.

we did not recover. trump could have saved us with a fast and severe response, calling for immediate quarantines, saying to compartmentalize your social groups-maybe on the level of your office or your church to limit contagion, talking up the vaccine research he'd authorized, and wearing a mask in public whenever he could so his followers would take lead. he did the opposite of all those things. biden could have saved us by buckling down, keeping drug companies for taking profit from tax funded research, and making some hard decisions on sacrificing to do a big international aid push, quarantining, etc.

neither of them did those things. both of them had a responsibility to. fuck those guys.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

there's a specific technology you can look for when buying a phone. this is not an apple/android phone issue. many mid and high end phones have the same anti-scratch technology apple uses. you're looking for the latest version of corning's 'gorilla glass' product. honestly anything made with 'victus' or newer is kind of ridiculously hard to scratch.

this is not a special apple-only feature, this is a part/technology they buy/license from another company, non-exclusively.

there are also cheap android phones. those exist. for people who prefer a cheap phone to a mostly indestructable phone, or cannot afford to spend 400 dollars on a ridiculous premium phone. or however much apple charges for an equivalent product with worse features and less compatibility.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

will tell them to fuck off

why? how can you be confident? they've already compromised so many systems they should never have had access to. legally they should have been told to fuck off. anyone with integrity, regardless of the law, would have told them to fuck off. why are you so confident that 'important' people will tell them to fuck off?

[–] 9 points 3 days ago (2 children)

AI would be great. AI could probably do a lot of human jobs.

large language models are not AI. please stop calling them that. they're literally the same kind of algorithm your phone keyboard uses for autocorrect, but scaled way up with a bunch of recursion. start typing, then let autocorrect fill in a few sentences. this is just a fancier, not even much more sophisticated, version of that.

this isn't about efficiency. this is about looting and lying. it's about fucking up peoples lives, overwhelming them and frustrating them on a daily basis so they are too exhausted to care whats true, what's human, or anything else but what daddy tells them.

it's not about sense. it's about derealization, overwhelming, doing their best to "flood the zone with shit". makes people give up. makes people not care about the truth. makes people forget there is such a thing as truth, and cleave to simple bullshit tribal identities.

they kind of need this, because everything they want to do is fucking monstrous, and if anyone ever talked about it honestly at scale, they would all be hanged or beheaded in about five minutes. it's their only hope of keeping power. chat bots are a great tool for making it happen.

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