
joined 1 month ago

the rage is the point. the feeling of a win is the point.

the cost to the tech industry is an acceptable cost; these people do not connect cause and effect.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)


this could go much darker than anti-furry biotry, which already isn't great, real fast. is your nose too big? in a non-human way? does a man have tits that are too large? in a non-human way?

[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

socially free, from a source nobody had ever even thought of, but not literally physically free. that is pretty fucking cool. I'll have to ask an EE about this sometime, and see how dumb they think I am.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago (2 children)

im saying you can't really judge a non-expert for being the kind of shitty guy that was in vogue to be shitty at the time, especially if it's not a primary thing. nicola tesla doing a eugenics? yeah whatever. his approximate contemporary, margaret sanger, you can give a lot more shit on the topic, because she was a fucking doctor.

this doesn't just apply to history! as someone who has generally been on the right side of history, I have lived through this. several times. A current example, aside from the obvious nazi shit and transphobia, would be the whole push to equate large language models with "AI" and orient all of our society's productive capacity towards making them like we're a giant god damn paperclip machine. I can't give any lay person who was into the tech in 2023 too terribly much shit about it-but if you were in any sort of information science, math, IT, or neuro-anything, and you were in favor of how it was being pushed for more than five minutes, I will mock you mercilessly until the day one of us dies, and then if it was you, ill graffiti the mockery on your fucking grave.

how strongly was he in favor of eugenics? did he have any ability to push the needle? did he care emotionally, or was it just a quick glance 'yeah that sounds close enough and I trust the experts. anyway, back to stuff I actually care about' kind of opinion?

see, I would argue that the pigeon kind of exhonnerated him for the eugenics. A race of superhuman pigeon-men, ruling over us pitiful full apes? I'd bend the knee, in my primitive forward jointed way.

I think there's another one, where the right side references operating systems, and another without the graph that's along similar lines. long runners sometimes return to the same wells, I guess.

[–] 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I have my incredibly rare moments. yes.

[–] 46 points 5 days ago (2 children)

no, sorry; I'm profoundly lazy.

yes but that sounds boring and doesn't require having a functionally super-hot piece right near a reserve of acetylene.

hopefully they and their nazi pals find out what's going on sooner rather than later.

[–] 44 points 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (6 children)

there's the STEM bell curve. XKCD shows the axes as 'how well your computer works' vs 'how well you know computers'. that is accurate.

but if you've ever known serious engineers who didn't just live boring white collar work-home-work-and-some-marvel-shit lives, you'll have seen things that make this look mild.

edit: and it gets really crazy when you're talking about a civil engineer. closest thing you'll ever find to an eldritch location.

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