I think he lost money on that, and just dropped it after the train program tanked. don't quote me on it though.
suggests evil.
in the 90s he was such a dick, even peter thiel, the guy who names his dystopian companies after evil artifacts from LOTR, couldn't deal with him. also he was running in the same circles as peter fucking thiel.
both suggest evil.
yeah but nobody advertises to any sort of lefty, so those aren't controversial among basically every company's target market. I might be more likely to go for "glock: protecting trans kids since [year they were founded]" if I were trying to cause a problem for them.
but you don't start off with that. you start off each season with stuff that's on the edge side of what a company would actual buy from an ad agency. then you get more and more. until it's paramilitaries marching blindfolded factory workers out into the jungle, then shooting them in the head, with full gore and horror and maybe one begging for their life. then a coca cola logo. coca cola: an american tradition.