
joined 1 year ago
[–] 8 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Fantastic result for the Lib Dems! And it wasn't even close. A new majority of 11000. This has got to give so much confidence going into next year that they can pick up lots of seats.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Smoked salmon looks "raw" largely because it is raw. It has never been heated.

Smoking the fish does indeed give a very different flavour to non-smoked fillet. That shouldn't be any great surprise.

Why is it safe? Well good quality raw salmon is also safe (see sushi). But the smoking does have an effect of preserving the fish and making it less of an environment where bacteria would thrive.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Why do you want to create a user there? I imagine it will reopen eventually, but you are likely much better off creating a user elsewhere.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

There are massive incentives to move. You can get the same house for less than half the price of a London house all over the country.

If that vast financial incentive doesn't make people move out of London then Government subsidies never will.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Probably nothing.

You would need an international law expert to be sure of the exact consequences, but if you have failed to pay a court ordered file then you would probably be unable to travel to an EU country or a country with an extradition treaty. You would certainly face issues if you ever wanted to expand your business overseas.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

If you are serious about working in a terminal, then I highly recommend learning modern replacements for the old tools.

In this case ripgrep (or rg) is phenomenal. Especially for searching recursively in a large directory tree it is unbelievably quicker than regular grep.

It won't be installed on any random machine, so grep is still useful, but if you regularly need to text search in files then there are better tools.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Okay, so how many do you need? Let's concentrate the entire resources of the monarchy on buying houses. The average price of a terraced house or flat is about £250k. So you could maybe buy 120,000 houses. According to shelter there are 271,000 people homeless in the UK, so this might just about work.

But it hasn't done anything to address any other social issue, whether education or health inequality, the millions living in poverty, ... So undoubtedly in a decade or two, a whole new set of people are now homeless, and there is nothing left to help them.

Meanwhile swathes of the UK's land and historic houses are now the private possesion of foreign oligarchs. And all the rental income of the houses and businesses that form the Crown Estates that were sold to raise the money are now going to the global elite instead of mostly going to the UK government, so public spending will have to be cut on an ongoing basis.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It is really hard to get a feel for big numbers, but important to try.

In terms of "buy everyone a house". What could William do?

Well according to a random website, he has a personal wealth of about £100 million, and controls the Duchy of Cornwall worth about £1 billion. If we combine that with all the other assets controlled by the Crown or the Royal Family, then that is more or less £30 billion.

Now suppose he decided to give absolutely all of that to "everyone". So he liquidates the lot, sells off all the palaces, all the land, all the businesses and shares out the proceeds evenly.

(This rather begs the question as to who could afford to buy it all, but let's ignore that for now.)

How much would this windfall be?

£30 billion, divided by £70 million people is a smidge under £430 each.

So no. Even in the most extreme case, where nothing is left of the Crown's fortune, William could not get remotely close to buying everyone a house. Maybe, just about, if he held on to one of the larger, cheaper estates, there would be enough left to give everyone a small plot of land and a cheap garden shed.

William is rich, very rich. But not even close to "resolve the country's problems" rich.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I think that Johnson's truth distortions have got to the poor lady and she no longer knows what "I am resigning with immediate effect" means.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The fact that Kbin is handling the wave worse than Lemmy is not unrelated to the fact that Lemmy's tech stack is much lighter weight and more efficient. It is a fundamental issue with the technology. If either are going to become major players then they need exponential growth, and Lemmy is just better at that.