Isn't this just an economic move dressed up as an ideological one?
If only all those sneaker companies had thought to say they had to move their factories from America to Chinese sweatshops because American workers were too woke.
Isn't this just an economic move dressed up as an ideological one?
If only all those sneaker companies had thought to say they had to move their factories from America to Chinese sweatshops because American workers were too woke.
The backlash already happened - it's been a few years of far right protests against drag shows and prides. Not that it can't get worse!
All that cash Open AI gave to Labour was worth it, huh
I had to use clipchamp for something recently and my god, what an awful, enshittified piece of software. It's sending me emails now!
I am no tech expert but I use tuta for email and disroot for forms, pads and file sharing.
Wow, this is like the 12 inch single of Blue Monday that supposedly cost more to manufacture than they made on sales. But shit.
Ahh I remember this article, it removed my illusions about lab grown meat. Thanks for bringing it back
The left did not push Elon Musk away. The left has fundamentally different interests and values to the billionaire and alleged rapist.
A two-part lecture and discussion series that may be of interest to techsneerers:
This workshop is a two-part lecture and discussion series addressing urgent issues in space and how they relate to Earth. What does ethics mean in the context of space? Is it possible to explore space ethically? How do military interests drive Mars exploration? Led by multi-disciplinary researchers and organizers Dr. C. Adeene Denton and Dr. Divya M. Persaud, this series will provide an overview of how space is grounded in real-world oppression, colonialism, and genocide and a chance to discuss together how this could be changed.
Runs on January 11th and 12th.
You're disposable! You're replaceable! Buy our product!
I wonder where the superforecasters stand on aella being outed as a ghislain maxwell type fixer for the tescreal high priesthood.
Can you be outed when everyone knows that's what you are already?
Eurgh. I'm now feeling angry at the thought of someone who is doing a degree in global health but gets persuaded that AI safety is more important.