
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

If you cant come to grips with the scientific fact that ecological destruction has a direct connection to population then you should start a special sub for CollapseMagicalThinking.

Life requires resources these resources have flow rates, for example the amount of human appropriated calories that are possible to grow in one m^2^ is limited by things like sunlight temperature nutrient inputs etc... This is scientifically measurable and all creatures including humans are constrained by such things. We are also constrained by waste production and the rate of waste detoxification by ecosystem services.

Of course "affluence" as measured by consumption is also part of the equation P*A=environmental impact. Humans appropriation of global bioproductivity is already pushed the other life on earth into mass extinction. Its already reduced many areas to lower bioproductivity levels. Over 40% of our current population number is dependent on advanced synthetic fertilizers that are highly dependent on fossil fuels and other depleting resources.

High population doesn't imply killing people. It can mean voluntary birth control usage and lowering the ability of the global 1% to engage in excessive consumption rather than killing the poor that use a tiny fraction of the resources per capita.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Its strange to me that so many people in here talking about eugenics when neither eleitl nor the paper posted had anything to do with eugenics. This place is a dimwitted mob of barely literates arguing with imaginary ideological enemies. actually i probably shouldn't use the word "arguing" since that requires something like a chain of claims-reasoning-evidence etc....

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

People fail to understand we are in fiscal dominance rather than monetary dominance now and interest rate increases wont throttle inflation. Interest rate increases can actually create inflation now because that money is printed and paid to bondholders who then use it in the actual economy therefore creating more money chasing the same amount of goods , therefore inflationary. this is like the 40s not the 70s.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

I doubt this shit even moves the needle any more than the general neoliberal greenwash bullshit. All the parties are pro-human growth and anti-nature if it comes to asking for sacrifice to standard of living for humans


There may not even be enough vultures to eat our corpses at the end of the world.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

tldr the bond market is about as distorted as soviet economy, this eventually meets reality

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Come on. If we don’t dig it up and burn it, it’s going to stay under the ground.

Those who think we should continue using fossil fuels despite the climate change and weather effects we’re already seeing do not understand the physics of how the world works.

our energy requirements for being alive are much higher than a population that didn't get itself on a hockey stick shaped population chart. we are in an intensification trap. we must continue to use fossil fuels to maintain the population and standard of living, unless we are willling to sacrifice the population and standard of living and/or renewables grow so much they take up the slack.

so any talk of leaving it in the ground needs to also include talk of how we are going to allocate the misery that comes from such.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

as of 2024 meaningful carbon capture is still hopium and copium

Researchers and practitioners have questioned society’s ability to reach Gt-scale CDR from novel approaches such as BECCS and DACCS, given the small role these technologies play in climate change mitigation today

Others have highlighted the potential environmental (10–12) and social [e.g., food prices (11)] impacts of CDR, particularly for BECCS due to its high land and water requirements but also for DACCS.

They have also critiqued the role that CDR plays in net-zero policy narratives, arguing that optimistic assumptions about CDR in the future may be used to delay action today and represent a moral hazard whose risks are disproportionately borne by low-income countries and future generations .

... institutional, behavioral, and social barriers ..., experience with related technologies suggests that they may be substantial


Abstract The Neolithic revolution saw the independent development of agriculture among at least seven unconnected hunter-gatherer populations. I propose that the rapid spread of agricultural techniques resulted from increased climatic seasonality causing hunter-gatherers to adopt a sedentary lifestyle and store food for the season of scarcity. Their newfound sedentary lifestyle and storage habits facilitated the invention of agriculture. I present a model and support it with global climate data and Neolithic adoption dates, showing that higher seasonality increased the likelihood of agriculture’s invention and its speed of adoption by neighbors. This study suggests that seasonality patterns played a dominant role in determining our species’ transition to farming.


tldr : economic collapse can lower pollution and lead to less deaths

[–] 4 points 7 months ago

One thing about USA healthcare is it is radically different state to state. i just move to state with better healthcare as needed , though thats a hobo privilege and doesnt work for normies

[–] 4 points 8 months ago

Holy shit i was really just hoping that 2023 was an anomaly and now i see we are in the next level of "oh shit!"

No recovery back towards old trend yet. This could be snowballing, or eh uh i guess the opposite of snowballing. ?Fireballing?

This could be a system perturbed into a new higher equilibrium but with the feedback who knows how far this can go. blue ocean arctic ☠️

[–] 3 points 8 months ago (2 children)

been coming to canada for 3 years now and this place is getting very noticeably more and more homeless people and tent cities each time and i mean from 1 person in an area to 10 to this time 100. People freeze to death in the night fairly common, nobody seems to care and it isnt brought up. Blows my mind the homeless dont cooperate and take over any of these abandoned buildings and fight the police about it make some media show they are booting them out to freeze to death. The apathy of late stage capitalism is incredible, its people dying of cold with police stopping them from making fires or getting decent shelter. Makes me curious how bad the jails are but im not going to try to find out because it will fuck up my passport.

the medical system is fully broken here despite the universal healthcare, even americas fake universal healthcare works better in many states versus canada system. lots of it is because the drs and nurses move to usa for more pay. nonlocal food prices here are outrageous and you can really see what people would be eating if it was local only. Typical northern european fair like storage cabbage ,potatoes , carrots, etc... very bland diet, i eat it because moneys tight. Rent is insane. a single room in a crack house 750$-1050$

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (1 children)

What exactly do they think humans will be hunting? The large mammals will go extinct in the process of 8+billion falling to hunter gatherer population levels if agriculture goes bye bye. Also heating the earth doesnt have the same effects as the ice age era in terms of making ag nonviable. Cold is much worse than warm.


Abstract Abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios (ASRS) following catastrophic events, such as a nuclear war, a large volcanic eruption or an asteroid strike, could prompt global agricultural collapse. There are low-cost foods that could be made available in an ASRS: resilient foods. Nutritionally adequate combinations of these resilient foods are investigated for different stages of a scenario with an effective response, based on existing technology. While macro- and micronutrient requirements were overall met, some-potentially chronic-deficiencies were identified (e.g., vitamins D, E and K). Resilient sources of micronutrients for mitigating these and other potential deficiencies are presented. The results of this analysis suggest that no life-threatening micronutrient deficiencies or excesses would necessarily be present given preparation to deploy resilient foods and an effective response. Careful preparedness and planning-such as stock management and resilient food production ramp-up-is indispensable for an effective response that not only allows for fulfilling people's energy requirements, but also prevents severe malnutrition.


Abstract To safeguard against meat supply shortages during pandemics or other catastrophes, this study analyzed the potential to provide the average household’s entire protein consumption using either soybean production or distributed meat production at the household level in the U.S. with: (1) pasture-fed rabbits, (2) pellet and hay-fed rabbits, or (3) pellet-fed chickens. Only using the average backyard resources, soybean cultivation can provide 80–160% of household protein and 0–50% of a household’s protein needs can be provided by pasture-fed rabbits using only the yard grass as feed. If external supplementation of feed is available, raising 52 chickens while also harvesting the concomitant eggs or alternately 107 grain-fed rabbits can meet 100% of an average household’s protein requirements. These results show that resilience to future pandemics and challenges associated with growing meat demands can be incrementally addressed through backyard distributed protein production. Backyard production of chicken meat, eggs, and rabbit meat reduces the environmental costs of protein due to savings in production, transportation, and refrigeration of meat products and even more so with soybeans. Generally, distributed production of protein was found to be economically competitive with centralized production of meat if distributed labor costs were ignored.


[](relevant paper)

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