
joined 3 years ago
[–] 7 points 1 month ago

No, it's just that when you use a mainline kernel, you're just not reusing all the Android (often user-space) drivers that make cameras work on Android and due to that stuff, starting from drivers for the SoC camera interface to the camera sensor have to be re-implemented. Whether you are on glibc (e.g., on Debian/Mobian) or musl/Alpine does not really matter.

Also, Camera APIs and the whole "desktop Linux" camera stack (think of things like debayering, white-balance) is nowhere near as developed as what Android has (and that, IUC, Ubuntu Touch can reuse on Halium by plumbing things together).

[–] 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

A Pixel 3a may be a good choice. It's older, but not huge—and it's very well-supported in Ubuntu Touch (and Droidian, both use Halium/libhybris to re-use the Android kernel drivers), and also in postmarketOS (mainline Linux 6.9.3 as of this message).

On postmarketOS, camera support is not fully there—the front camera is somewhat supported. Also, Wi-Fi is still a bit annoying, calls only work with headset on postmarketOS, so I would say: Use Ubuntu Touch or Droidian for now, and maybe move on to postmarketOS once it's a bit more solid.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

It should be. With zram, I can use similar software even on a 2 GB RAM device somewhat comfortably, unless I open too many tabs in Firefox.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

It's somewhat SoC dependent, but the actual feature support depends on auxiliary chips. Of the well-supported phones, only the Shift6mq supports it in hardware - software support on mainline is not there yet though. The Fairphones 4 and 5 also have the feature. I have the 5, and display out works with postmarketOS, but audio support is still lacking, and USB peripherals (e.g., keyboard, mouse) are not supported.

Here's a list of more devices:

That said, there are other ways like DisplayLink and or GUD that may enable you to connect a display to a OnePlus 6 or PocoF1 anyway, some people have done it (and left video evidence on social media or YouTube. It definitely requires a customized kernel, and unfortunately, AFAIK the efforts have not been documented/shared (kernel config and necessary packages).

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Very much not. GNOME Shell Mobile was funded by the German Prototype Fund in 2022 IIRC, way later than Phosh was created (funded by Purism for their Librem 5). GNOME Shell Mobile will eventually be part of GNOME proper (meaning it's Mutter, and GNOME Shell, patched to work on small devices), currently it's a patch set on top of multiple GNOME components that's packaged in postmarketOS and the AUR (if you consider AUR stuff packaged).

Phosh was created on based on wlroots (which is also used in Sway and other wayland-native window managers) and GTK3, as a Mobile Shell. Ironically, this way was pursued because Purism developers where told by the GNOME Shell people that an adaptation of GNOME Shell for Mobile would not be feasible.

Both rely on designs created by (at least then) Purism-employed designer Tobias Bernard IIRC, and thus may seem quite similar despite being based on a different tech stack, and both are hosted on GNOME's Gitlab, using all the same apps.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Honestly - using Sxmo on a PinePhone Pro is about as hard-core as you can go beyong building your own thing from scratch.

Ubuntu Touch on Pixel 3a, or Sailfish X on a supported device or a Librem 5 with PureOS even is a lot less geeky and more approachable thing.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago
[–] 4 points 10 months ago

I wonder how much additional work would be necessary to actually support A64, too.

But for now this is definitely good news to PineCube hackers/users ;-)

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

The easy route is to just wait for the merge request that adds the device to be merged.

You can also try using the pmaports branch that is going to be merged to build and install it - but I am not aware of a guide that explains how to do that and have no expertise with this, sadly.

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The Pixel 3a? As stated on it's the best port out there (and my previous experience with a OG Volla/GS 290 confirms this). Now is Ubuntu Touch perfect? No, and everything depends on your use-case (and because of no VoLTE support, the region you are in also matters). You can also try Droidian ( with a Pixel 3a, so given likely availability of a working, used device for less than USD/EUR 100 you can't go wrong with it, IMHO.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Just look at

I have a Pixel 3a and it's a really great port.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Writing this on my Librem 5 as a happy Librem 5 user, I struggle to find a good answer - maybe the Shift 6mq is an alternative (see the discussion on that in the equivalent to this thread in c/linux), as Shift have actively supported mainline development. The PinePhone is slower than the Librem 5, and the PinePhone Pro ... I could not daily drive it, too many bugs and too short active use battery life. If you just don't want to rely Purism shipping soon, you can always try a second hand Librem 5. Also: While I am quite happy, I am an enthusiast - YMMV.


Congrats to the project, this is great progress!


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