
joined 1 year ago
[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 7 points 16 hours ago

A Sony mobile phone that couldn't remember the time when it was switched off.

True it's going back a while. But not so far that battery backed clock chips were uncommon.

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 0 points 3 days ago

Help! Help! Here come the Borg!

let's see who gets that reference...

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 4 points 2 weeks ago

That is plausible. I read about the most delightfully English thing ever: we were going to have a revolution, everything was set and we were all ready to go, the day arrived but it was pissing it down, so we all collectively said "fuck that" and stayed at home. Brilliant.

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 0 points 2 weeks ago

Tennis, because in a pinch they can double up as snow shoes.

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Which countries have been successful in implementing your preferred alternative?

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee -1 points 2 weeks ago

I disagree. That's a consultant-style answer. OP is an idiot newb three months into his first job with zero responsibility, and not in any position to "serve notice" or have any meaningful "professional opinion".

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 9 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

"This is my first IT job, I’ve only been working here 3 months"

Then you need to learn this lesson quickly: YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS. The Boss is the Boss. Not you. You make your concerns known to him then you leave it at that.

"I’m considering talking directly to the owners about this issue" Yeah, going over his head is really going to go down well /s. As you have proven you are hard of learning, let me state clearly: it won't, that was sarcasm. The owners will see you've gone over your boss's head and when he says "I've had enough of this jerk, let's get someone else in" they'll be hard pressed to disagree with him.

"my boss’s refusal puts our operations at risk" Your boss already knows this. Especially as you keep banging on about it. What you're doing here is heading for an unceremonious out-kicking. Your boss also knows a lot more about the business than you do. If he's keeping that machine on Win7 then he probably has some good reasons to do so.

"I want to ensure I handle this professionally" No you don't. You want to force your boss to do what you think he should do. If you were being professional you'd state your concerns, in email if necessary, then move on.

"I definitely feel like I’m going to be used as a scapegoat" That's why you put your concerns in an email (ONLY to your boss, nobody else. Or maybe a sympathetic team member). This creates a paper trail so that if and when they come knocking on your door saying "Why did you let this happen! You're fired!" you can point to that email which proves you did everything you could. (Which they won't by the way. You're an idiot newb three months into your first job. You don't have any responsibility yet. So this isn't on you.)

"I’m also planning on seeking employment elsewhere" It doesn't matter where you work while you have this attitude. Newsflash kiddo: you're the asshole here. You're a newb three months into your first job. No matter what you think you know, you don't know anything. Instead of trying to dictate to others what you think they should do, try to learn why they're doing it differently from what you expect. Maybe you have to find somewhere else now; that boat may have already sailed. Maybe if you approach your boss saying something like "er, sorry I was an asshole, I thought I knew more than I do, can we start over and I want to learn from you" (but obvs phrase it better than that) then MAYBE you stand a chance of getting through your first year.

[Sympathetic mode on.]

We all have to learn this stuff and it takes time. Your boss also knows this, and remembers when he was an overenthusiastic hothead. So while all the above might seem harsh, especially the YTA bit, hopefully it'll cause a course correction (which is my intent here) and you'll be back on track to a successful career in IT. This position may still be salvageable but you need to go in on Monday understanding clearly that it might not be, and that it is your fault. And maybe you need to be fired a few times before this sinks in. Good luck.

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 20 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

No but it might make the new owners think a bit.

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 5 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

So are 18 pawns and that odd-looking piece on c4-d6. I'd say any rules are OK at this point. How about Kb4-Enterprise (en beam-me-up-Scottant)?

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 7 points 3 weeks ago

Chickens don't fart?

[–] letsgo@lemm.ee 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I realise this is probably a joke post, but I thought the whole premise of the anti-pray-the-gay-away argument (which I don't agree with btw, just to be clear) was that sexuality is fixed not chosen. If you can "make" non-LGBT the minority then that suggests sexuality can be manipulated and thus validates the PTGA position.


This relates to the BBC article [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66596790] which states "the UK should pay $24tn (£18.8tn) for its slavery involvement in 14 countries".

The UK abolished slavery in 1833. That's 190 years ago. So nobody alive today has a slave, and nobody alive today was a slave.

Dividing £18tn by the number of UK taxpayers (31.6m) gives £569 each. Why do I, who have never owned a slave, have to give £569 to someone who similarly is not a slave?

When I've paid my £569 is that the end of the matter forever or will it just open the floodgates of other similar claims?

Isn't this just a country that isn't doing too well, looking at the UK doing reasonably well (cost of living crisis excluded of course), and saying "oh there's this historical thing that affects nobody alive today but you still have to give us trillions of Sterling"?

Shouldn't payment of reparations be limited to those who still benefit from the slave trade today, and paid to those who still suffer from it?

(Please don't flame me. This is NSQ. I genuinely don't know why this is something I should have to pay. I agree slavery is terrible and condemn it in all its forms, and we were right to abolish it.)

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