
joined 10 months ago
[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 27 points 4 days ago (2 children)

As an old fart myself (but not officially a boomer, too young for that), I'm dismayed at the amount of young people swallowing this reactionary crap. Do young men really think that part of being a man is trafficking humans and behaving like louts in other countries?

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 5 points 5 days ago

"Being more than twice as unpopular as Jacob Rees-Mogg takes some doing, frankly."

Gold. Pure gold.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 12 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Her being allowed to join Labour says just as much about them as it does the Tories. Labour being seen as a safe haven for very far right Tories is not a good look.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 2 points 2 months ago (4 children)

It is worth noting though, that Proton doesn't allow you to use certain domains for recovery addresses. Admittedly this was awhile ago and maybe things have changed there but when I first joined Proton they wouldn't allow me to set a duck.com or simplelogin.com or addy.io address as a recovery email.

Obviously using an apple ID is stupid but Proton could make more of an effort too.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 18 points 2 months ago

The latter is very much the case.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

If I understand this proposal they're not making smoking illegal for those born after 2009, just the purchase of tobacco products. As such, I can't really see what this is going to achieve.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 42 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Why on earth are we still paying attention to this idiot and treating her opinions as if they are worthy of consideration?


in 2018, Facebook told Vox that it doesn't use private messages for ad targeting. But a few months later, The New York Times, citing "hundreds of pages of Facebook documents," reported that Facebook "gave Netflix and Spotify the ability to read Facebook users’ private messages."

Surprising? No. Appalling? Yes.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 25 points 3 months ago (1 children)

“Above all, it was trying to win,” Osborne told me recently.

That's it. That's the Tory mentality. They don't want to improve people's lives, they simply want to rule.


As per title really. I need a backup solution for backing up my home directory to an external USB drive that;

  1. I can schedule to run x times per week
  2. Encrypts the contents (into an encrypted zip file is fine)
  3. Puts the encrypted backup onto an external USB drive
  4. Keeps the last x amount of backups.

I've found loads that can do one or more of these things but not all of them. I really like LuckyBackup for example but it doesn't encrypt. I just want something I can set and forget.

System is LMDE 6 (Faye).

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 8 points 3 months ago

I understand that, but surely the Admin who took the action isn't in a different timezone form themselves? What was stopping them immediately posting just before or just after taking the action?

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 26 points 3 months ago

I think so, yes. I had to step in when I saw a small group of men who appeared in their mid/late 20's harassing a teenage girl at Victoria fairly recently. Ads like this not only make it clear that it's unacceptable but it also empowers bystanders to get involved.

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 25 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Whilst I completely understand why you, as private individuals with limited income and not a huge org that has high priced legal teams on call, have made this decision (I think people forget that it costs money just to defend yourself in court, irrespective of how accurate or legal the charges might be), this is about the 3rd or 4th time that the Admin team have communicated and taken action very, very poorly.

It's really not a difficult thing to do. A post such as this either before or immediately after taking such important actions. I realise you're all busy people with real life stuff to do too but surely you tell new Admin's when they're onboarded that momentous decisions that affect a lot of people must be communicated to the members immediately?

[–] leraje@lemmy.blahaj.zone 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

So many stories like this one. See !priest_arrested@lemmy.world for a depressingly large amount of similar stuff.


"Speaking to Russian TV in an on-camera interview on Wednesday, Mr Putin said Mr Biden's leadership would be better for Russia because he was a "more experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation"."


A week or so ago, a blog post was posted in this Community calling out Mullvad for using GMail as their email provider. Wasn't the greatest blog post in the world and didn't approach Mullvad for comment or explanation. Anyway, looks like Mullvad heard about it and responded.


"Protesters who wear masks could face arrest, up to a month in jail and a £1,000 fine under proposed measures that human rights campaigners claim are pandering to “culture war nonsense”.

Police in England and Wales will be given the power to arrest people if they are wearing face coverings at specific demonstrations, the Home Office has said."

Been a bad 18 months or so for privacy in the UK. Online Safety Bill passed, the right to take strike action curtailed, people in receipt of benefits (including disabled people) will soon (as from 2025) have their bank accounts open to the government, the right to protest curtailed and now this.


" three researchers have crafted a long-sought version of private information retrieval and extended it to build a more general privacy strategy. The work, which received a Best Paper Award in June 2023 at the annual Symposium on Theory of Computing, topples a major theoretical barrier on the way to a truly private search."


I'm on Book 3 and Fitz has reached Jhaampe and they're all heading off to the Mountains to find Verity.

I don't get why Kettricken is so angry with Fitz. Hobb presents it as totally understandable with no real explanation and I have no idea why she's so pissed off with him. I've either missed something or not understood something - can anyone explain please?


From their Masto acct:

"It’s almost #DataPrivacyWeek - vote now for your favorite data privacy tools in this 1-minute survey! "


It's not solely about the fediverse, but it is mentioned.


No hate to Ubuntu LTS (my old OS) as I think for an entry to Linux, it's about the best there is, and then I just got used to it and then I started getting more and more annoyed with Snaps.

FFWD a couple of years and I decided to switch to Mint but I wanted something that was entirely free of Snaps, not just blocked, so LMDE seemed the best fit. I get all the good bits of Mint without the Canonical enforced stuff. It's been running a week now and after plenty of tweaks (installing Gnome for example) looks and feels exactly how I wanted it without interference from Canonical.


The link goes to this users Mastodon post on the subject. I'm going to copy part of the text of his post without having to post the Threads post they were shown. Click through if you want to see for yourself, avoid if such things are upsetting to you.

"This was a post promoted to me from within Instagram to try and get me to use threads. Ill say that again: this is the promotional content shown to non-threads users as an inducement to join threads."

If you do click through to the Mastodon thread, you'll see several other people confirming they've seen the same or similar posts promoting Threads.

I've said the same thing in comments to other Threads related posts in this community but I'm going to say it again; didn't we create and use fediverse software like Mastodon, Lemmy, PixelFed etc in large part to escape the constant hate-baiting and algorithmic manipulation of companies like Meta? Why are so many in the fediverse prepared to throw their fellow fediverse users under the bus by exposing them to a company and a set of users who not only say these things and not only allow them to be said but actually use them as a promotional tool to encourage more people onto Threads?

If Threads was a fediverse instance, it would've been defederated from by just about everyone by now. Why are some people bending over backwards to give Meta a free pass?

'Wait and see' I hear people say. I can already see.

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