
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 5 months ago

I start writing the implementation and get the "variable not defined" error and then let the ide add the declaration. It's less keys to press and misspell.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

There are lots of other ways for progression instead of inflicting more damage because of some numbers.

I think of:

  • Just getting better at jumping/slashing/tactics

  • Having limited gear that you have to switch out or improve throughout the story

  • Gaining new abilities or allies

And just that if you keep "improving" and inflicting more damage and have higher defense, at the same time the opponents become stronger, it would have been the exact same difficulty level if the numbers just stayed the same.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

If you cannot complete a task cause you aren't strong enough, you have to either grind for exp or get better gear by collecting pointless objects and doing the list based crafting.

These things have nothing to do with any story progression and just suck up time and that's the point of the meme. You can perfectly design a game that uses less lazy ways of giving players a rewarding feeling that don't hold off the story line or take loads of time.

There is nothing wrong with gamers that want to have this, it's that every game that goes this route is not for a lot of casual games so it's not nice that almost every rpg goes this route.

Why I'm dragging pay to win into this, I don't know. Frustration with current generation games probably 😆 Also that they want you to spend lots of time in the game so you would spend more money in it, while I want to just play 1-2 hours and have a nice experience and story.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Addiction? Greed?

[–] 2 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (5 children)

Doesn't experience points based progress imply grinding?

There are more ways to have progression and I agree that exp points is a lazy (or pay2win) solution.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Maybe waiting for the pane to go down while it's out of range of any possible radar? It seems to be in the middle of the ocean and maybe that was where he planned to more or less run out of fuel 🤷‍♂️

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Maybe it could also have been the first officer if he prepared really well? There seems to be a lot of evidence confirming a well planned route with all communication disabled.

Anyway, it clearly looks like it is a suicide that he tried to mask as an accident. It's the worst way to go, taking all these casualties. It wouldn't be the first one, but definitely the best covered up so far.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

About D, you could also be programming robots, PLC's or thermostats 🤷‍♂️

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I think it's fair to say those brands will source from the cheapest, scummiest places and it doesn't matter what "certificate" sticker is on the box.

But it is so hard to avoid them where I live :/ Even the fairtrade, vegan and ~~responsible~~ green washed products are from those 3...

[–] 8 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Even WWF doesn't think avoiding palm oil is a good solution. Not short term and definitely not long term

Palm is the most efficient crop for producing a wide range of fats. Replacing it with some other source of fat will require more land and water, and disrupt nature in another part of the world.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago

IMO they should just remove the equality operator on floats.

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