
joined 3 years ago
[–] 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You pay with cryptography?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

You vote with your dollars, and if you care what Apple is doing, you tell them.

Buy a non-Apple system, write to Apple, and let them know why you're not longer purchasing Apple equipment.

It's really simple, if you want companies to change, you stop giving them money (and you tell them why if you're no longer doing so). Giving them money tells them they're doing everything just right.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I already had the dedicated server, so it was easy enough to just virtualhost it.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

To clarify that comment - I handed over to as I no longer have the time to run, maintain, and moderate it. The cost for me was negligible at this point - I had it sitting on a dedicated server that ran several other things.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Not sure why I didn't see this... are you interested in taking it on?

[–] 0 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Ah, very nice! Do you have the ability to take the DB and host the service somewhere?


cross-posted from:

Hi all,

I'm going to be taking on a rather large change of life in the very near future, and I'm having to dump a bunch of responsibilities and hobby-type things.

This lemmy instance falls in to that category. I would love to see someone with the technical know-how volunteer to pick up the domain, this database, and host this somewhere, keeping continuity going.

Anyone interested?



Hi all,

I'm going to be taking on a rather large change of life in the very near future, and I'm having to dump a bunch of responsibilities and hobby-type things.

This lemmy instance falls in to that category. I would love to see someone with the technical know-how volunteer to pick up the domain, this database, and host this somewhere, keeping continuity going.

Anyone interested?


[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Gentoo is one of my go-to's that I come back to time and time again.

I don't mind spending my time with Gentoo as one can have very stable systems with it (as per your choosing), and if one uses a half decent machine to do all the building, it can supply more lowly machines with a current repository of binary builds.

Yes, it has it's headaches from time to time (similar to the mention above about Arch and what happens if you don't update for some time), but nothing insurmountable.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

I was never thrilled with Opensuse. I found regardless which flavour I was on, I had to enable so many extra repositories that it eventually turned in to a mess each time.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

WSJ sure posts a lot of garbage.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

2 - Thanks for the clarification, I stand corrected!

One doesn't need millions of users to have a healthy community, and if communities are built around being divisive hate machines, there's no need to welcome them, they can stand alone as their own ignorant islands. You can't force integration between sane society and the intolerant. The hateful intolerant have to be moderated and told to go piss up a tree.

Gab only turned off federation after it was clear they weren't welcome anywhere.

I don't disagree that growth of the fediverse would be a good thing, but not in an unmoderated fashion. The example growth you give is a great example of the wrong way to get growth - nobody's trying to re-create Twitter. The style? Sure. The content? Nope.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Does this really need explaining? You think a million disinformation zombies would be a good thing?

I guess you weren't aware that Gab is a fork of Mastodon and was originally part of the fediverse until they were essentially locked out due to their crap?

You must be American, if you believe that conservatism vs liberalism is the same thing as hateful racist trolling dickhead vs. people who don't want that in their lives.

The rest of the world (mostly) doesn't live by this constant "red vs. blue" anger fest.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

No, harassers don't always stop - this is a very simplistic view of things. Just 'buck up' and all will be well, eh? Have I misinterpreted your comments, or do you also believe that people who are on employment insurance are just lazy?


Happy after-Labour-Day Tuesday!

Lemmy 0.12 was released last week, and there's already been a couple of bugfix releases (part of why it's so good to have patience when a new software release that has major new features or rewrites come along).

So we've jumped to 0.12.2:

Announcement of lemmy 0.12: Announcmeent of lemmy 0.12.1: Release notes that include the 0.12.2 release:



Howdy all!

I know we're a brand new instance, but as we're public and users are joining up, I felt that I should post this.

I know we're past Christmas already, but I hope everyone is doing as well as possible, staying safe, and having an enjoyable end of the year.

I'm very much looking forward to Lemmy developments and refinements, and specifically being a fantastic and useful spot for people.

Here's hoping the bugs of 2020 take a hike in 2021 and that it's a much merrier year over all.

Peace to all!


Hi all,

I have been playing around with notes on getting Lemmy installed from scratch, without using docker or ansible. While these notes have worked for me, there's probably a million iterations of 'better' that could be done to them - I'd consider them a draft at this point. That said, I have used them to create each of Lemmy's components on

If you do use these, I would recommend sticking to lemmy release versions as the developers state that are likely breaking changes to things like federation in between releases.

Also, I'm aware that things like the init scripts need some further work - they're just a starting point for now.

If interested, please go ahead and grab and have a look at the lemmy-setup-notes.txt file included. There's also example configs for the various component that require them and the aforementioned init scripts.

I hope this is useful to someone!


Hi all!

For those who are using a very small, limited-RAM VPS (smaller than 4GB), how are you finding keeping Lemmy up to date?

I'm doing each component piecemeal, and on my 2GB RAM VPS I couldn't finish lemmy backend's cargo build, just too much RAM required even with 1.5GB of swap (VPS provider is really going to enjoy that, I'm sure)

I did the production build on a machine at home and copied the lemmy_server over. Seems to be fine, but... rust or lemmy seem to have some massive resource requirements on the build.

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