
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You can use docker exec with garage docker image.

I'm on mobile but I think you just need something like: docker exec containerid ./garage stats

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Garage is the simplest of the three imo.

I've only used it in a cluster, but it should be even simpler for one instance

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

A subscription is required??

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

What mobile issues do you have? I use it both on desktop and mobile with sync mode turned on in the PWA.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I like it, it seems pretty stable to me. I didn't use it much before the query/template stuff was changed. I think both are fine right now, but don't really know what it looked like before.

There's also "space-script" now which is basically like mini javascript plugins you can write inside your notes. It's what drew me away from trilium in the end.

I don't blame you for taking a break if you ran into breaking changes though. That's one benefit to keeping your notes in regular markdown files too.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Any comparisons to It's my favorite so far

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Do you use garage for backups by any chance? I was wanting to deploy it in kubernetes, but one of my uses would be to back up volumes, and.. that doesn't really help me if the kubernetes cluster itself is broken somehow and I have to rebuild it.

I kind of want to avoid a separate cluster for storage or even separate vms. I'm still thinking of deploying garage in k8s, and then just using rclone or something to copy the contents from garage s3 to my nas

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

I really like mine too, I also have a tube and a pro. Both of them have a weird issue with the TV I use most often though. Both shields won't display anything unless I boot them in safe mode.

They both work on a different tv that is 4k. This one is an older 1080p plasma. But it's weird that it used to work just fine. It might be related to the TV, but no other devices have issues so it's cheaper to replace one of the shields than buy a new tv lol.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I'm still using an Nvidia shield which I guess counts as an android box. I thought they'd release a new version by now, but I'm considering building a htpc instead.

I used to use a raspberry pi 2 or 3 and it worked fine for 1080p content. Not sure if the newer pis support 4k, but it's on my list to look into eventually.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

What's up with the $4.55 "$1 drink"?

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

This is an option, my main reason for not wanting to use a hosted k8s service is cost. I already have the hardware, so I'd rather use it first if possible.

Though I have been thinking of converting some sites to be statically-generated and hosted externally.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Network Policies are a good idea, thanks.

I was more worried about escaping the container, but maybe I shouldn't be. I'm using Talos now as the OS and there isn't much on the OS as it is. I can probably also enforce all of my public services to run as non-root users and not allow privileged containers/etc.

Thanks for recommending crowdsec/falco too. I'll look into those


I've been in the process of migrating a lot things back to kubernetes, and I'm debating whether I should have separate private and public clusters.

Some stuff I'll keep out of kubernetes and leave in separate vms, like nextcloud/immich/etc. Basically anything I think would be more likely to have sensitive data in it.

I also have a few public-facing things like public websites, a matrix server, etc.

Right now I'm solving this by having two separate ingress controllers in one cluster - one for private stuff only available over a vpn, and one only available over public ips.

The main concern I'd have is reducing the blast radius if something gets compromised. But I also don't know if I really want to maintain multiple personal clusters. I am using Omni+Talos for kubernetes, so it's not too difficult to maintain two clusters. It would be more inefficient as far as resources go since some of the nodes are baremetal servers and others are only vms. I wouldn't be able to share a large baremetal server anymore, unless I split it into vms.

What are y'all's opinions on whether to keep everything in one cluster or not?


What's everyones recommendations for a self-hosted authentication system?

My requirements are basically something lightweight that can handle logins for both regular users and google. I only have 4-5 total users.

So far, I've looked at and tested:

  • Authentik - Seems okay, but also really slow for some reason. I'm also not a fan of the username on one page, password on the next screen flow
  • Keycloak - Looks like it might be lighter in resources these days, but definitely complicated to use
  • LLDAP - I'd be happy to use it for the ldap backend, but it doesn't solve the whole problem
  • Authelia - No web ui, which is fine, but also doesn't support social logins as far as I can tell. I think it would be my choice if it did support oidc
  • Zitadel - Sounds promising, but I spent a couple hours troubleshooting it just to get it working. I might go back to it, but I've had the most trouble with it so far and can't even compare the actual config yet

Does anyone have recommendations for centralized backup servers that use the server/client model?

My backups are relatively simple in that I use rsync to pull everything from remote machines to a single server and then run restic on that server to back them up and also copy that backup to cloud storage.

I've been looking at some other software again like Bacula/Bareos/UrBackup and wondering if anyone's currently using one of them or something like it that they like?

Ideally I'm looking for a more user-friendly polished interface for managing backups across multiple servers and desktops/laptops. I'm testing Bareos now, but it'll probably not work out since the web ui doesn't allow adding new jobs/volumes/etc.


One of the things I don't really want to self host is a mail server, especially for outbound mail. Currently I'm using a Gmail account, but I want to change that.

What do you all use for things like notifications sent through smtp?

I'm leaning towards AWS SES since it's cheap, but I know there are some other options like mailgun and sendgrid.


I've been looking for something to replace Trello, mostly for personal use between me and my partner. We both have our own boards as well as a couple shared ones we use for planning trips/etc.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a kanban/trello-like software?

I've been using Obsidian w/ the obsidian-kanban plugin lately and it is alright, but obviously not as easy to share between two people and more limited compared to some of the features trello has.

Two options I'm trying out now:

  • Planka - seems like it might be alright, but haven't used it enough yet. Trello import option is one-board-at-a-time.
  • Vikunja - extremely slow for some reason and the auto-save feature kept causing me to lose what I typed
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