Reminds me of RIP
- "Where ever you go, there you are"
- "We have just enough fuel to make it to the crash site"
- "Ruh-Rouh"
- "Deny, Deny, Deny - Until you believe!"
- "A Rule without Enforcement is just wishful thinking"
- "When life gives you lemons- BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD"
- "Ignoring a alert is the same as normalizing alerts, if it's important, don't ignore it, if it's not important don't alert for it"
- "Follow the money" - Gripping Hand I think
- "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" - Knuth maybe
- "Once you know something is possible, doing it becomes a exercise in persistence."
- "Science isn't what other people say, its what YOU can observe"
Big Mac Price index time!