
joined 3 years ago
[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

How can you read the full article?

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

So where in the idea of capitalism do you see a mechanism that avoids colluding and undermining the sovereignty of people?

From my POV, capitalism is the act of maximising profit/cash flow. This may happen through peaceful agreements, soft power or hard power.

What part of capitalism are you referring to, when you distinguish it from neo-liberalism?

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (3 children)

There are many report stating that these promises were made.

Whether Russia made a tactical mistake in codifying these promises... is it relevant? There is clear evidence that NATO promised not to expand. And again, it seems obvious that a NATO expansion would set up a conflict with Russia. So why would you do it?

Here is another good german language article about the situation

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml -1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

Please check the Spiegel article. Also, again, isn't it common sense that if you put troops against a country's border, that country feels threatened?

edited "border"

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (7 children)

Sure I can.

We can cite John Maersheimer from 2014

Here is the outline link to the same article.

More recently the german Spiegel published documents demonstrating the promises. Here is an english language Russia Today link, referencing the original german article (you can find the paywalled link there).

But let's be frank, the idea that a NATO expansion to the east will set off a conflict with Russia is just obvious. There were high ranking officials confirming that over the last thirty years (I believe even Genscher).

The argument that states should be able to choose their allies is a little bit absurd since we are not talking about a club that you can vote yourself in if you wish to do so. The NATO has to extend an offer for your country to be able to join it.

Russia and before that the Soviet Union expressed their issue with that and asked NATO not to put troops against their borders. Yet, NATO did.

The sources I link to above are from the most realist IR academic and from a totally mainstream german news outlet.

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

So what about the eastern expansion of NATO? Do you sigh over this too?

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml -1 points 2 years ago (11 children)

Yes, but there are precedents to this. The situation didn't come out of the blue. Russia surely carries the responsibility for acknowledging the separatist states and escalating the situation with "piece troops".

But NATO surely is responsible for creating the situation at large. The promise was no eastern expansion, yet eastern expansion took place.

The references made to the previous US interventions by Op are highlighting the aggressive nature of the US which created the pretext to the current situation. You cannot wipe those away by saying you are referring to the last 48 hours only.

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I know of some of the shady people that were supported by the West and the Ukraine.

Could you shed some more light on the war crimes that Putin refers to? Also could you share the evidence that exists?

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

Very cool video, thanks for sharing


Super interesting video about analog computers

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

Fully agree with you here and particularly your longer response above.

VR / AR has some fantastic use cases in industrial work, where experienced workers can overshadow a field person and be enriched by some sort of global database that covers whatever that field person is working on. There are probably other niche tech use cases as well.

As for an entertainment gadget that is widely used, I just don't think it is as immersive as portrayed or will be in the foreseeable future.

[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago
[–] jazzfes@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

I mean, can you imagine the desire, of being able to leave behind your real world, your dirty, exhausting, imperfect real world, where you are weak and ugly and unsuccessful and going to a virtual world where you can experience whatever you want?

All just through a head set? I honestly don't quite buy this (admitting fully that I might be wrong) and really can't relate to the desire you are describing either.

It's not real and won't look / feel real. So maybe there is a one or two hour entertainment to be had, but I can't see this overhyped potential and VR being used "everywhere".

Consider all the video chats we are having since the pandemic at work. What did 80% people do pretty quickly? Turn off their cameras, turn off their mics, while they are browsing the web in the background or doing the dishes, letting the meeting/call pass by. Would any of those go into VR to experience a virtual version of their colleague without being forced? I don't think so.


I remember a song called "second breath" by what I believe was a former member of the "four non blondes". The video was pretty low key, with the singer dancing in her room, jumping on her couch.

Anybody know the song or artist?



In this work, I summarize and assess the arguments for a natural origin and against a laboratory-based origin of Covid-19 presented in the Holmes et al. preprint [1]. The preprint review by Holmes et al. represents one of the most extensive compilations of arguments for a zoonotic origin and was authored by numerous experts in relevant fields. Although Holmes et al. “contend that there is substantial body of scientific evidence supporting a zoonotic origin for SARS-CoV-2” [1], I argue that all publicly available evidence and information are consistent with both natural and laboratory origin scenarios. In the absence of dispositive evidence in support of either a natural spillover or a research-related incident, it is necessary to rigorously investigate both hypotheses [2,3]. Only with more data and information can scientists confidently evaluate the likelihood of each origin hypothesis. A credible, transparent, evidence-based, and international investigation of the origin of Covid-19 is not only vital but also feasible [3–5].



I'm looking for a laptop in the $200 - $400 mark (can be second hand) that has reasonable support for linux and also has a touchscreen.

Touchscreen will be mainly for scrolling.

I'm happy to do some stunts to get linux installed but I'm looking for something that supports it reasonable well.

Thanks for any suggestions!


I just think there needs to be a proper discussion, whether this type of research is ok in general....

HackerNews discussion is here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28644428


Now researchers say they have found some of the earliest evidence of humans using clothing in a cave in Morocco, with the discovery of bone tools and bones from skinned animals suggesting the practice dates back at least 120,000 years.

Dr Emily Hallett, of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Germany, the first author of the study, said the work reinforced the view that early humans in Africa were innovative and resourceful.

“Our study adds another piece to the long list of hallmark human behaviours that begin to appear in the archaeological record of Africa around 100,000 years ago,” she said.


I'm looking for something I can use on my laptop. The official spotify client works, but it's a bit slow so was wondering if there are alternatives.

I got a spotify account, so would like to be able to use this one with it.



There are some good articles on the upcoming Euro 2020.

In particular I like the team guides, introducing each team with background, strengths and outlook


I've got very little lemmy experience in general, so this is a bit of an experiment for me.

The experiment is about sharing parenting experiences, and discuss how to survive and enjoy parenting while getting better at it.

It's also about managing partnerships that may have caused parenting and/or are impacted by it.

Parents of lemmy, unite!

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