
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Yes, that too. I should have said want to code stuff...and continue to maintain it...

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

KDE if you want to just configure stuff. Gnome if you want to code or manually style stuff.

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

"There’s nothing to suggest that these people will be approached with any claims directly."

No, but they'll be pressured to testify with the threat of such a lawsuit. And if the RIAA wins, then ISPs will likely start giving the names to them openly so they can start those lawsuits back up again, at least in the US where it's again no longer considered an essential utility service by the government thanks to Republicans. There's a reason they're not targeting the bigger ISPs that have enough money to fight back anymore. This way they can get a judgment to use against them later.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah I think hashes in the same folder are only valuable as a check to make sure you downloaded the file successfully. Which isn't a big issue for at least the around 80% of internet users who have access to broadband. They are only useful for security if the hash is on the website that you click on and then you download and verify it manually.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, IMHO Signal is the right balance of usability and privacy. Problem with not having a user ID is that you can't easily use the application on multiple devices at the same time and if you lose the device, or don't properly migrate to a new device, you will have to start over building your connections to others.

But the real issue with no user ID or centralized platform is discoverability. Same reason things like gpg for email never caught on. You can't just type in a person's phone number, username, or whatever and start talking to them. It only works if you have another line of communication with each person to set up the connection. This is usually the deal-beaker.

But the problem with user IDs is that anyone can create as many as they want and use them to avoid spam and abuse filtering. So that's why phone number is used by Signal as a unique identifier. It's not 100% unique, but it's good enough to deal with all but the most determined abusers.

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