
joined 2 years ago
[–] 15 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The length anti car people will go to spread their propaganda...

It's watching screens at close range for 10 hours a day.

Just think about how little of your time the average person spends crossing trucks at night. That's not even 15 minutes a year.

Who cares. Imagine what will happen to those freed from this mental prison

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Can you fine tune tesseract on a local hand writing dataset ? Or insert it in context like a pre-prompt ?

[–] 0 points 6 days ago (1 children)

South China sea is international waters. Meaning it is the hegemonic power's water. The nine dash lineis chinese authotarian gas lighting. They are being bullies again. This is all headed for war because the human forest fire of neoliberalism has consumed the foundation of all the powers.

Why are they not using their own llamafile ?

"Move all my rf resesrch tabs to a new window"

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What's the best way to spoof geoip on ipv6 ?

What's the 411 on steamunlocked ? Just malware ? Can we just get the cracks like in the old days ?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes, like thst time the indigenous weren't improving the land so we took it.

That's the air part

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Next CIA satellite over my house, I will legally shoot down with mu pulse laser !


Hi, Once in a while I try to clean up my tabs. First thing I do is use "merge all windows" to put all tabs into one window.

This often causes a memory clog and firefox get stuck in this state for 10-20 minutes

I have recorded one such instance.

I have tried using the "discard all tabs" addon, unfortunately, it is also getting frozen by the memory clog.

Sometimes I will just reboot my PC as that is faster.

Unfortunately, killing firefox this way, does not save the new tab order, so when I start firefox again, it will have 20+ windows open, which I again, merge all pages and then it clogs again !

So far the only solution I have found is just wait the 20 minutes.

Once the "memory clog" is passed, it runs just fine.

I would like better control over tab discard. and maybe some way of limitting bloat. For instance, I would rather keep a lower number of undiscarded youtube that as they seem to be insanely bloated.

In other cases, for most website I would like to never discard the contents.

In my ideal world, I would like the tabs to get frozen and saved to disk permanently, rather than assuming discard tabs can be reloaded. As if the websites were going to exist forever and discarding a tab is like cleaning a cache.

Libre and Free A Linux Legacy (song) (

It is extremely frustrating. I just wanted to evaluate the whole list one by one and not miss one.

But no, it makes you click "more" every 10 items and then it wipes itself when you scroll back up.

You win steam, I give up and won't buy anything, happy ?


After some searching, it looks like I need to disable all hardware acceleration ? How can I disable only the minimum amount of stuff ?


I mean this context menu


I don't like it when I go back to a tab and it reloads.

For whatever reason, I want tabs to stop changing. I don't want the to reload from their javascript and I don't want the tab content to be deleted by the automatic discard (to save memory)

If firefox decides to free memory, it should dump tab data and tab state to disk, not delete and reload from the website later.

Sometimes the website won't exist later.

Somewhat related but this one is hard : Some website dynamically delete content after you've scroll past it (firefox) this means even if you scroll to the "true" bottom, you can't ctrl+f search and you can't freeze the page and read it all at your leisure and preserve it for later.

Currently my solution is to video screen capture the whole tab while scrolling slowly, this is quite a ridiculous step to take but apparently the only option to keep our data !?


I would like to be able to perform the following actions from outside the browser, for example from a script

''' Obtain a list of all tabs, and which URL is open Obtain a list of all firefox windows and which tab is in each and in what order Obtain a list of firefox running instances Actions on tabs Close a tab Open a new tab and enter URL move a tab in a window's tab order move a tab to another window mute/unmute a tab make a tab hidden or unhide pin/unpin a tab select/unselect a tab discard a tab reload a tab copy tab body or a specific xpath run a javascript cmdlet, (bookmarklet ? ) Run a function of a script in somethingmonkey bookmarks list all bookmarks folder and bookmarks move a bookmark to another folder delete a bookmark create a bookmark get/change position of a firefox window close a window/ open a new window list installed addons turn an addon on or off '''

I would love to be able to write script, from outside firefox, and do these actions

I have found about the remote debugger, but I can't figure out if it's only for debugging firefox on android via adb ? Or can I use that directly from a script ?

devtools.debugger.remote-enabled -start-debugger-server ?

Is any of this possible ?

thanks !


And I really mean move, not copy.

The difference between copy and move is that copy... copies, but move dies copy->verify->delete original, in a single operation of the user.

Preferably, that is reliable. Meaning it checks the bookmarks have been successfully created before closing the related tab.

Also it should be clear what bookmark folder it is going to put the tabs in.

Because the current bookmark manager, it is easy to end up dumping all your tabs in the parent folder of tge destination you indented.

Or end up creating an extra child folder inside your intended destination bookmark folder

Would also be nice to have quality of life features, such as a default bookmark folder.

The option to put the bookmarks in a folder named with today's date.

Maybe an option to specify a default destination bookmarks folder on a per site domain basis


And I'm curious if I could map my keys to make Freecad work this way. I don't know how many of the these tools don't exist in Freecad, but if I could one to one make a keybind that works for me, I might start using it instead of sketchup 8

But mostly, this is the because general CAD community on lemmy and I wanted to share, ciao!


Tab Manager Plus Set to "Open in own tab by default" Set to "Dark mode" Set to "Vertical view" -- very important

You can live search your tab titles to select them

You can open all selected tabs in their own window

You can close selected tabs

You can "discard" tab contents (different from close, the tab is there but content is gone)

You can highlight/select duplicate tabs

You can hide not selected tabs

You can pin selected tabs (unfortunately, they still only appear on the one window they are pinned to, they just get pinned to the left of the tab bar)

You can drag and drop selected tabs to another window of your choice, both the representation of that window in the TMP tab, but also into the other firefox window itself. That means, drag and drop from here, is the same as pulling out a tab out of a normal firefox window !

Cannot search text inside of tabs, especially not sleeping tabs

Sometimes I press the TMP button and I just get a bluegreen screen, doesn't work until I close many windows and tabs

I would prefer real dark mode with my preferred colours

I would like to easily drop&close tabs into bookmark folders reliably !


However, I will keep you guys around, for now ...

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