
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Let's hope the United States doesn't even think of culturally appropriating the figure of the Pope: the architect who designed Capital Hill came dangerously close, but a small Vatican City in Washington would be a death blow for the entire American continent! 😁 😄 🤣

[–] 12 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Italians are perfectly capable of having their own home-grown right wing clowns. They invented fascism after all

I confirm! And we Italians maintain this great all-Italian creativity even today, given that Trumpism is inspired by Italian Berlusconi... 😭

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Finally! 😏 The world is changing: the concept of a minor no longer makes sense in a context of irresponsible adults like today! Moreover, today's kids have no right to decide the future that is penalizing them from an environmental and work point of view!

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)
[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

We must make a premise: there are different types of instances in the fediverse and some of these, especially mastodon, are of a strongly generalist nature, apolitical and dedicated to an audience that does not want to see disturbing content (Not Safe for Work NSFW).

These instances are forced to silence and sometimes block users who post content of this type without the content warning tag.

This can be considered excessive, but it is the only way to keep an environment free of disturbing elements such as overly fiery political speech, explicit content, foul language.

All this concerns above all the generalist instances.

As for the others, it becomes more rare to practice BAN and silencing.

Unfortunately, however, there are two types of drastic measures: those towards users of your own instance and those towards users of other instances.

In my opinion, the latter should undergo a periodic review, a sort of amnesty that occasionally cleans up the sentences imposed or at least reconsiders some users who at the beginning of their life in the fediverse behaved badly because they were used to the toxic environment of Facebook or of Twitter.

In fact, the problem with these users is that they risk being invisible for life from some instances.


Today we had to read this garbage:

The bold proposals set out by the European Commission to get a grip on the spread of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) on the internet are probably some of the most aggressive measures so far in the battle to protect children online, writes Dan Sexton.

Dan Sexton is the technical director of the Internet Watch Foundation, which is [one of the most significant symbols of the mass surveillance lobby( a foundation that despite having its headquarters in the United Kingdom, continues to exert its lobbying pressure on the European Commission.

We could say, simplifying a lot, that #chatcontrol constitutes an attack on the rights of all European citizens by a foreign state that is no longer our friend ...

crosspostato da:

Oggi tocca leggere anche questa:

Le coraggiose proposte avanzate dalla Commissione europea per tenere sotto controllo la diffusione di materiale pedopornografico (CSAM) su Internet sono probabilmente alcune delle misure più aggressive finora nella battaglia per proteggere i bambini online, scrive Dan Sexton.

Dal Sexton è il direttore tecnico della Internet Watch Foundation, ossia uno dei simboli più significativi della lobby della sorveglianza di massa: una fondazione che pur avendo sede nel Regno Unito, continua a esercitare le sue pressioni lobbistiche che sulla Commissione Europea.

Potremmo dire, semplificando molto, che #chatcontrol costituisce un attacco ai diritti di tutti i cittadini europei da parte di uno stato estero che non è più nostro amico...