
joined 1 year ago

Mixed, as it is in every wealthy country that has more people wanting to move here than move away from here. Because we have such a large migrant population though it is difficult for politicians to gain traction by being outright anti-immigrant.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Yeah, these have saved us on a lot of issues I feel. It’s simply a much more representative system than what the Americans do and it helps keep a lot of fringe ideologies at the fringes, where they usually belong.

Minor correction, we have preferential voting not proportional.

Key words being “current supply”. There are major moves being made to change this. Supply and demand need to grow at the same time if this is to work though.

Fantastic! I’ve been arguing for something like this for years. Hopefully this catches on around the country.

Yeah, it’s possible ≠ it’s likely

Our towns and cities are largely lacking the medium density mixed use neighbourhoods that make it nice to cycle. We can fix it, but it’s going to take time.

He posted about it on mastodon 7 days ago, so I don’t think it’s an old tweet. Maybe his personal website is just out of date?

We have options, just not good ones. After Starlink, the next best option where I live is 4G internet, which is way slower. Another satellite service or dialup are other options, both much worse than Starlink. We do not live in a remote location, just barely rural, and only a few kms from a town with gigabit fibre. Starlink is a fantastic service that has only gone down twice for us in the 7 months we’ve had it, and even then only briefly. I don’t think I can fully impress upon you just how much better it has made things.