
joined 7 months ago
[–] 19 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Repeat after me:

"Current AI is not a knowledge tool. It MUST NOT be used to get information about any topic!"

If your child is learning Scottish history from AI, you failed as a teacher/parent. This isn't even about bias, just about what an AI model is. It's not even supposed to be correct, that's not what it is for. It is for appearing as correct as the things it has been trained on. And as long as there are two opinions in the training data, the AI will gladly make up a third.

[–] 15 points 4 months ago (2 children)

year the brand name was first introduced.

It says so in the legend. Zoom has been a word for a long time but it now also means "participate in a (video) teleconference", which is a new meaning directly linked to the zoom software released in 2011. When a word became generic is usually very hard to pinpoint exactly (except for zoom that was 2020)

For heroin: I don't think there was heroin before the introduction of the heroin brand. Bayer literally invented the substance. (Wikipedia says it was invented 23 years earlier in Britain from morphine, but the inventer didn't do anything with it so it was reinvented later). It was also not a drug you take to get high, it was an over the counter cough suppressant; no needle or spoon or lighter involved. Wild times for sure...

[–] 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

its a lot more readable if you replace the : with any other function name

fork() {
     fork | fork &

define a funktion called fork, which calls itself twice (call once, pipe ( "|" ) the result to the same function again which is run in a new thread in the background ( "&" )). Then call the newly defined function. The : is used to make it look more like emoji.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

I think it's about usage rights. People are fine with their post being on their chosen end of the fediverse forever but don't want corporations and news sites to generate a profit by using the posts. That is independent of federation, federation just makes it easier.

[–] 32 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Schlechtere Angebote sind natürlich ein Weg ein Verhalten zu unterdrücken um damit ein Problem "zu lösen". Aber dann fahren die Leute halt mit dem Auto oder versauern in der Stadt. Also ist das problem nur verschoben. Stattdessen besserer service wäre viel zielführender. Fahrradmitnahme fördern, Kapazität erhöhen (z.b. ein Fahrrad Wagon zu Stoßzeiten, etc). Reservierung für Fahrräder erzwingen kann sinnvoll sein, aber nur solange die allgemeine Kapazität ausreicht (und durch die Reservierungen etwas die Spitzenlast verteilt wird).

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

That's what I wxpect. But with one more layer. In the end it's going to be system32/elevator.exe which is called by Invoke-Elevation in ps which is aliased to sudo.

It's supposed to be available in cmd and batch so it must be callable directly

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

There are plenty wild animals in large cities. Foxes, rabits, racoons ... Berlin famously has a large boar population. Having a more human friendly city with green tram lines and less car traffic will surely increase animal populations. However I doubt it would be a problem that isn't easily solvable or is still preferable to the current situation.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Yes and killing a few invaders while the planet gets orbital lazered from 2 solar systems away will for sure win a war against an alien force.

Half live 2 got that right. The alien invasion is called the 7 minute war, because after 7 minutes earth had to surrender.

The assumption of course is, that the aliens are as militaristic as we are. If humans are uniquely violent in the universe, we could actually win an invasion. But if war is a normal thing in the universe, there is a 0% chance for any planet bound society to win against an post FTL attacker. Even with many nukes.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Your analogy is lacking. Being technologically behind does not make us the monkey with the nuke, it makes us the human with the rock. Aliens able to travel to earth will have a very easy way to deal with "bad thing flying fast towards us".

[–] 18 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Yes it is unethical and immoral to fool service personal and lead them to believe they receive a tip when they don't. Everybody hates to receive those fake church bills.

[–] 10 points 5 months ago

How do you know your living if you are not wishing to die every second?

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