
joined 1 year ago

Catalina, honey Dijon, and balsamic vinaigrette

Coffee in the morning, Sleepy Time tea before bed

I totally agree. There's a huge effort by the wealthy to keep the average person down, otherwise the rich don't make the money. It's super fucked up.

Jesus, that's something out of a horror movie.

[–] 13 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Yes, I don't think many people realize how good we have it here. I say this having traveled to places and seen some shit (war in Iraq, gang violence in El Salvador, abject poverty in Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan).

Can the U.S. be better? Of course it can. There are horrible things happening here and people are losing their rights at a scary rate. However, these horrible things are not on the same level of horror as that which is occurring/has been occurring in other countries, it's apples to oranges.

Anytime I've been overseas and I come back to America I realize how much I love it here. We have it so good here, really. But as someone else stated, there is huge inequality that needs to be addressed in order for EVERYONE here to have it so good.

I'm still subscribed to him, but I have definitely not been watching him as often as I used to, and I couldn't exactly say why. I will say that The Library of Letourneau scratches the itch when I have it because it's just edited content of the best parts of NL.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Same. I'll occasionally download some of their old podcasts if I'm flying and just need something to pass the time, but their new stuff was dull. It's a shame that it ended the way it did.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Used to religiously watch a guy that played the same video game I was into. He was incredibly good at it, well-known in the game's community, did how-to guides, build guides, super nice, just wanted everyone to have a good time, wanted everyone to excel in the game, good-natured, just an all-around awesome dude, etc.

Then I dunno wtf happened, but 9 years later he's become a total fucking elitist asshole who does nothing but complain about the game and the gaming studio, doesn't seem to give a shit about the little guy just trying to learn the game anymore, it's like he did a 180 in personality and now has a "git gud" mentality. He made a video of him declaring that he was leaving the game, and he did, for like a month, then promptly returned once his viewership clearly went down. I unsubscribed at that point. He became a total whinebox bitch and I lost all respect for him.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I aim for 10pm, but it always ends up being like 10:45/11

I've set one off while dying my hair.


Have you ever tried a recipe that turned out to go horribly wrong, or maybe the end product, despite being good, just wasn't worth the effort? What was that recipe, and what about it made you say "NEVER AGAIN"?

I ask this as I am actively trying to remove the stench of onions from my Instapot lid's silicone ring after making French Onion Soup in it (so far steaming it with white vinegar on the steam setting, soaking the ring in a water/baking soda bath overnight, and baking it at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes have all done nothing, so I ordered a new one, I give up). And I realized that cutting all the onions and waiting hours for them to caramelize and now this damn smell issue just isn't worth it. Plus I still have frozen soup in the freezer because I can only eat French Onion soup so many days in a row.



If yes, where would you move to?

If no, why not?

I ask this as someone who has moved around a lot (5 states) for better working opportunities. I often hear people say they wish they could leave their current city/state/country, but money is often (understandably) an issue.


I'm curious what users feel makes a great sci-fi story. What elements do you feel "make or break" the story specifically where sci-fi is concerned? For me, I really enjoyed the Expanse series, as it feels like there's a sort of "believability" to it all. The authors make everything seem very realistic, even if some of the descriptions and physics are made up.

What is it about your favorite sci-fi books and shows that make them your favorites?


Hello, and a big FUCK YOU to Nestle!

I wanted to start a thread where we could share any Nestle-alternative products we have come across! I will get the ball rolling with what I have found over the years:

KitKat- KitKats used to be my very favorite candy, so I was bummed when I learned they are made by Nestle. This is now my go-to alternative:

Kiehl's skincare products- I used to use Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream, but now use e.l.f Holy Hydration face cream, which has the same ingredients and costs much less per ounce

Starbucks ground/whole bean coffee- Some of the bags you buy in the supermarket are made by Nestle (you have to check the back and sides of the bag to be sure). I stopped buying Starbucks and started buying bags of whole bean from a local coffee shop that roasts their own

Garnier hair care products- I dye my hair frequently and used to use Garnier product, whose parent company is L'Oreal, which is owned by Nestle. I now use Clairol instead

For a large list of Nestle-owned products, see Wikipedia

What are some Nestle-alternative brands that others here have found and enjoy?

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