ACPI errors shouldn't be an issue, it's somewhat common to see them. Are you still able to boot from live USB? Are your Linux and Windows installations on the same drive? Sometimes Windows can mess with the boot settings of other OSes and even break a GRUB install.
Increasing a dose several times and/or changing medications entirely is unfortunately just part of treating conditions that respond to medication (especially ones that are often misunderstood like ADHD), but what's right for one person isn't necessarily right for you; your concerns and emotions are valid, but questions about dosages are best answered by a physician.
The picture you posted doesn't show an error, that's a screen to select your boot drive. Are you saying you don't know how to select a boot drive or that when you do select the boot drive, nothing happens? You're not giving us any information to help you with.
Exactly. I've been with my wife for nearly 9 years in a partnership where we both try to leverage our strengths, and we have a similar setup, so I wanted to go to bat for the both of us, so to speak.
I'm sick and tired of people assuming I don't carry my weight just because I need reminders about certain things and help with appointments. Let's be real and admit that ADHD is a disability that prevents you from doing (some) stuff.
I don't just "let her clean up after me" and neither do you, it's annoying to me that you specifically didn't mention cleaning and they got on their high horse anyway.
I don't think they even mentioned cleaning in the comment. They mentioned "long-term stuff," "organization," and "creating structure," which I would think of as scheduling, shopping/task lists, birthdays/anniversaries, confirming appointments, checking in to make sure tasks are done, reminders, etc.
Yeah, I think the military is the only environment where your entire schedule is planned for you.
If OP can't hire a personal assistant then this is the only option if they want 24/7 scheduling managed by another person or group.
Unless you want to join a farming co-op, OP? Requires money and effort on your part but no risk of being deployed overseas. Less rigid scheduling but lots of stuff to do that will dominate your time.
I'm pretty sure Hanlon specifically mentions that it must be "adequately" explained, and these events are not adequately explained by stupidity alone.
...Looking at my specs, do you really believe that I paid it recently? This was many years ago.
For me, I haven't bought a new graphics card in a long time. I have a RX 580 that I bought used for $200 CAD. My next upgrade will be my motherboard since I'm still using a 1150 socket and I'm stuck using DDR3 RAM and an outdated CPU (Intel i5-4460).
I can still play newish games at low settings and that's fine for me right now. I'm not buying a GPU at current retail price, fuck that. It's crazy that the best time to build a PC was 2015.
I used short essays and short stories to get back into reading, maybe that approach would help you. They're really old, but try A Modest Proposal or some of the satirical essays by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), they're short and sweet and inspire a desire for more.
You replied to the wrong person.