It's clearly over their head.
Thank you, I keep getting down voted because I said the same, but obviously other get it. Appreciate you and the sanity check!
Like how I clearly said the article had been posted before without mentioning China, especially in the article itsef, never mind in the post? Which obviously shows it was more about the title of the post?
I bow to YOUR mental gymnastics and ignorance combined with brute confidence.
Tell me you don't know anything about anti racism without telling me you don't know anything about anti racism.
Read a book.
You'll sound less stupid (maybe).
But you don't think buying a Tesla, Tesla stock, makes you a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer so...
This is why we're in the state are in.
Poison thrown at the wrong people.
I'm not stealing your money, firing you, taking away your rights as a human being. I don't think you're a 'parasite'.
I'm not the 1%, neither are you.
Focus on the real enemy. Then things will get done.
Also, thank you for showing people that there's space for these types of comments that lead to a pleasant and meaningful exchange!
This means more to me than you know 🥹
Appreciate you!
This turned racist / xenophobic real quickly.
There have been several other posts about this without mentioning China at all, especially in the post itself.
No where in the article does it say "chinese", literally anywhere.
Check your racism.
Edited to remove where I stated it was manufactured. I did a quick search and found a couple mentions, but did not thoroughly check sourced. Apologies.
Nope. Incorrect.
Racism: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
When a system oppresses you, no bootstraps to be had.
That's just another white supremacy myth meant to make it look like some people just don't try hard enough.
That will explain it. If you cared to do your own research instead of regurgitating the crap that's been spoonfed to you your whole life.