But their ~~constituents~~ corporate donors would not profit as much. Won’t someone think about my profits? 🙃
Bring back what? It's still around. I use Matrix channels for some topics that are bridged from IRC.
Same here. I only got my 14 because the battery on my 12 was starting to fade fast shortly before a trip to Europe, and the 14 is still holding up well.
And mine. Came to the replies to post it then found this thread.
Won't someone think of the poor shareholders /s
It's only fair game if Meta gets to do it, and profit from it. /s
AT&T is already calling it 6GE(volution). /s
Will someone please think of the CEO's bonus?? (...Nah, they can get bent.)
I’ve updated my PWA to the latest version, and I don’t see this toggle. Perhaps it is specific to the native apps.
(Re-read the release notes. Yup, it’s native app only.)
Just found this setting earlier in the day, before seeing your comment. That was annoying and such an unnecessary grab on Microsoft's part.
Reminds me of our Palo Alto Panorama server. Commit jumps up to 99% after 30 seconds and sits there for the next 4-6 minutes, sometimes more.