
joined 3 months ago
[–] 0 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

No and now I've answers to a lot of my questions

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

So you will have to emulate all this apps? Like I'm not talking about these on the play store like games or others, I'm talking about the great apps that you can find on fdroid

[–] 0 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

Okay but all the apps developed for android will now being useless?

[–] 4 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

LineageOS is more degoogled than others like eOS?

[–] 5 points 5 hours ago (5 children)

Why you wouldn't use it on main device?

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago

That's really depending on your use cases, for example if I want to install distro for my grandma use Mint, for a graphic guy (as in this example) use Arch or Fedora (or even OpenSUSE), etc.

[–] 6 points 5 hours ago (9 children)

I've seen that you basically have two choice (more but not very relevant) GrapheneOS for security and /e/OS for privacy. Thoughts on it?

[–] 8 points 5 hours ago

That seems to be a great distro to follow

[–] 7 points 5 hours ago

I'm not using Brave and I don't like it. Personnaly if you're on desktop or laptop just use Firefox (Waterfox for soft-privacy browser, Librewolf and Mullvad for better one). Brave is firstly based on chromium, have a relation with crypto. Not my browser of choice and will never recommend it to anyone.

submitted 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) by to c/

Hello, making this post to get some honest, and technical opinions about GrapheneOS. Please do not be bother by this question. No drama here pls 🙏. I've heard that there is some of the google code into the "sandbox" feature. Say your opinion below! 👇👇

[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

I think it's a bit too old, if you want to stay in the pixel ecosystem maybe try to grab a 6, 6a or 6 pro. They are around $250, and they are great!

[–] 3 points 19 hours ago

If you use Fedora and only FLOSS apps on your PC that's great! Next that's the turn of your phone, at the end you should use only FLOSS apps, first try to switch from FB messenger (switching to SimpleX), next don't use spotify : cracked Spotify (not for privacy) or RiMusic for no-ads and privacy. For maps there's no real great apps but maybe Organics Maps for navigation and GMaps WV to see the infos directly for maps but securely. For your bank, I have no real idea, you should remove it but if you can't... Or you have others choice for your OS, maybe your banking app will work. You can useDivestOS or CalyxOS but for privacy in fact /e/OS is even better than Graphene (not for security, for privacy).

[–] 10 points 19 hours ago

I'm sure talking about the 30days challenge from Raid Owl and I have an idea of his conclusion. First he's a power user (not in the fact of tweaking and scratch in the file system), he needs a lot of stuff to work. And for someone outside of the traditional office work or maybe developing, Linux is hard to use for graphics works, so sure Linux Mint is not for this kind of people but you should always recommended it to "normal" people and beginner in Linux. Sure in this case his conclusion is wrong, he should have used Fedora, Arch or OpenSUSE, but that's it.


I wanna know if MATRIX recipients know my IP, and more globally what the recipients know about me (how the matrix protocol works). THX


Hey is there any alternatives to CloudFlare reverse proxies? I want to hide my server IP but not share everything with CF...


Hey, I wanna know your preferred laptops, used is better and to run Linux on it. Something with at least 16gb and 512 SSD is good. Budget range. Thank you!

Chat surveillance law by the EU Parliament? (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

The results are showing up... Now we have to hope for the law to be declined... Already discussed about the chat control law of the EU, here :


Cross-posted from :

Hi, I wanna know what is the most secure and best messaging app/platform... Need an app that is crossplatform and has a very good numbers of features and security. (And it has to be FLOSS) I thought about XMPP clients, Signal, Session, IRC clients.. Propose and explain me your choice


I've seen that LTT made a video about degoogling our lives, that's a great point that a big youtuber like him would make videos like this!


Since some time I've searched photos related apps, to edit and take pictures but I've not found anything interesting in open source... Does someone has an explaination?


Hello, always wanted to know the absolute best to have the most private (and secure) browser, need tips for android and linux. I think Firefox based browser are the best choice but i'm open to recommendations!! THX


Just a simple question : Which file system do you recommend for Linux? Ext4...?

EDIT : Thanks to everyone who commented, I think I will try btrfs on my root partition and keep ext4 for my home directory 😃


Hello, I want to self-hosted apps get requests from the users (mainly movies), and then I can find a download for it to move it to a jellyfin server. Maybe after that, it could be a little more automated to download stuff automatically 😃 Thx


cross-posted from:

I've installed Arch Linux with KDE Plasma 6 on it, but the widget system tray is not working as intended... Does someone have a solution? THX

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