
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 10 months ago

I second the roku, they are economically priced, they perform very well, minimal ads. My friends and family use them to stream from my jellyfin server over the internet to their homes.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

Well, openERP or openbravo were what I would have recommended ten years ago, but due to their commercialization aren't really relevant any longer. If I personally was setting this up for myself I would probably use redmine and a plugin that gives redmine the invoice functionality. However I wouldn't call it simple for a first timer to pull off, but if redmine is mastered you will find very extensible and customizable to any particular project's needs.


In my last post I gently prodded your imagination with geometric connections between the dark phenomena in our cosmos and quantum loop gravity. That paper was a work from my research hosted at where I have slowly built up this notion of a geometric connection to dark energy and matter.

So let us gently spur on the imagination once again. I would like to announce a new theory we have been working on, "Quantum Geometrodynamic Plasma Field Theory" a novel paradigm reconstituting the fundamental origins of gravity, electromagnetism, and spacetime itself directly from plasma principles.

In the conceptual framework of the quantum geometrodynamic plasma field theory, the notion of a universal quantum plasma medium essentially replaces the conventional concept of spacetime as the fundamental arena for physics. Some key aspects in how the plasma field paradigm differs from classical spacetime:

  • Rather than elementary particles and fields existing in an empty spacetime, they emerge from excitations, disturbances, and curvatures in the quantum plasma field.
  • The quantum plasma field replaces the intangible and geometrized spacetime. Matter and forces manifest from the plasma, rather than being distinct entities that reside in space.
  • The properties of the vacuum and macroscopic space-time curvature phenomena are proposed to emerge from the underlying quantum plasma dynamics, rather than being fundamental standalone ingredients.
  • Gravitational physics and general relativity itself are suggested to arise from information encoding and quantum geometrodynamics within the plasma, rather than gravity being a geometric property of a classical spacetime.
  • Even cosmic expansion is reconstituted not as stretching of spacetime, but rather as large-scale effects induced indirectly by subtle Planck-scale plasma fluctuations and graininess that accumulate over eons due to scaling relations encoded in the plasma field.

Here we put forward two research papers, an introduction to the theory and an exhaustive analysis of quantum holographic plasma cosmology.

Introduction: Quantum Geometrodynamic Plasma Field Theory: Unifying Origins of Gravity, Electromagnetism, and Spacetime from Intrinsic Quantum Information Dynamics

Analysis: Quantum Holographic Plasma Cosmology: Unveiling the Intrinsic Unified Dynamics of Nature's Innermost Clockwork

I look forward to any and all comments, suggestions, questions, and any hole poking you may have in mind, please leave a comment And if you think this idea has any merit please tell someone you know about it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The effect is so small and decays exponentially getting smaller and smaller each step so it never really reaches zero, the eventual heat death of the universe will happen way before this effect has time to do its thing.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I would like to add to this, I expect the jargon and equations to fly far overhead most of the general public. So I will try to sum the entire process here:

  1. My initial idea was that the horizon of our universe was "leaking" energy from its horizon, just as a black hole does. If this was true then according to e=mc^2 the universes mass should decrease over time.

  2. I had earlier made the connection that dark matter and energy maybe a geometric phenomena and wrote a thought experiment outlining the idea. If we take two observers and keep them stationary in space, then in some fantastic way shrink them both at the same rate at the same time without the observers knowing, the view of the observers would be that they are moving away from each other as they stay relatively the same size to each other and the distance increases according to their mass and thereby volume decreasing.

  3. These two basic ideas together seemed to say that as the universe losses energy from its horizon like a black hole, the atoms and point masses inside all lose a tiny amount of mass, and thereby each point's volume decreases a tiny amount. This causes distance to increase ever so slightly between the particles. This entire effect over every particle in the universe together gives us the expanding of distance we call dark energy. This same effect when taken with relativity and the laws of motion produce a dark matter signal as well.

  4. Lastly gravity was already known to probably be quantum in nature, so digging on further revealed this interesting, if somewhat novel view of the universe and everything in it.

I have some of my previous papers hosted on researchub, this link leads to a post with further information about the initial research that lead to this paper, I continue to use researchhub for further work.

I hope this additional information has helped you in some way to understand this idea I call special gravity. Cheers!


Hello everyone,

I'm excited to share a new paper I've been working on that proposes a unique approach to understanding some of the most perplexing questions in cosmology. The paper is titled "Deriving Dark Phenomena and Gravity from Entropy Horizons," and it aims to offer an alternative explanation for phenomena commonly attributed to dark matter and dark energy.

The Core Idea. The central hypothesis is that the universe's mass-energy M(t) decays exponentially over cosmic time t as M(t) = M₀ * e^(-kt), where k is a very small universal decay constant. This decay drives the expansion of distances R(t) between objects as R(t) = R₀ * e^(kt).

Why is this Important? This model could potentially unify various phenomena under a single framework and offer new perspectives on:

  • Black Hole Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity
  • General and Special Relativity
  • Astrophysics and Galactic Dynamics
  • Thermodynamics and Entropy

Next Steps. I'm in the process of subjecting this theory to rigorous peer review and empirical testing. I'm also exploring its implications across multiple domains of physics, from quantum mechanics to general relativity.

Read the Full Paper. For those interested in diving deeper, you can read the full paper here.

Feedback Welcome. I'm eager to hear your thoughts, criticisms, and questions. Let's have a constructive discussion!-

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Lol, I really get that vibe to, but it is very interesting :P

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

For 10 days I learned like I have never learned before.

I present to the world The codified Library of Alexandria, no really give it a spin...

Here are samples of the output, put together in OpenLeaf



[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I completely agree with every word, it was the observations alone of dark energy and matter that led me in this direction.

At one time I tried to describe them with an unknown fifth dimension, but later realized that's only an abstraction. Perhaps just maybe black holes and universes share this property of evaporation, which if so, would have interesting consequences.

I have the thought experiment to go along with the paper, if you'd like to see that at just scroll down one post. That was from when I was trying the fifth dimension angle, but it does a good job of describing a dark matter like signal in the terms of a changing mass.


This post comes with a disclaimer: Claude 2 was released earlier this month, and I've been wanting to test it out. I fed in an idea and a thought experiment I've been thinking about, and asked it to help write a paper. Most of the formulas are Claude 2's work. I did try as I went along to not gaslight the LLM. I even had Claude 2 write the body of this post about it.

New theory: Our universe is slowly evaporating like a black hole!

What if cosmic expansion and weird "dark matter/energy" actually result from our universe evaporating energy over time?

A new model proposes that, just as black holes slowly radiate away mass through Hawking radiation, our universe maybe evaporating through a similar quantum process.

This gentle evaporation can explain the initial rapid expansion of cosmic inflation. As well as the later accelerating expansion we attribute to dark energy.

The theory also suggests cosmic evaporation over billions of years makes it look like there's extra "matter" influencing galaxy motions. When really it could be just total mass decreasing over time.

So could dark matter and energy be illusions caused by our universe exponentially evaporating? The maths seem to add up. But more study needed!

What do you think? Could we live in an ever-slowly evaporating cosmos? Let me know your thoughts on this crazy but kinda compelling new idea!

Link to PDF

TLDR: I fed in my thoughts to Claude 2 and out popped a paper.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Also you're asking about multi gpu, I have a few other cards stuffed in my backplane. The GeForce GTX 1050 Ti has 4GB of vram, and is comparable to the P40 in performance. I have split a larger 33B model on the two cards. Splitting a large model is of course slower than running on one card alone, but is much faster than cpu (even with 48 threads). However speed when splitting depends on the speed of the pci-e bus, which for me is limited to gen 1 speeds for now. If you have a faster/newer pci-e standard then you'll see better results than me.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Correct my backplane doesn't have the flow of big server box, also another gotcha is the P40 uses a 8-pin CPU power plug not a 8-pin GPU

Edit 8 pin not 6 pin

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

The P40 doesn't have active cooling, it really needs forced air flow which I grabbed one of these for

It's even cheaper now than when I bought mine.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I have a p40 I'd be glad to run a benchmark on, just tell me how. I have Ooba and llama.cpp installed on linux Ubuntu 22.04, it's a Dell r620 with 2 x 12 3.5 Ghz cores (2 threads per core for 48 threads) Xeon with 256GB ram @ 1833Mhz, I have a pci-e gen 1 20 slot backplane. The speed of the pci-e bus might impact the loading time of the large models, but seems to not affect the speed of inference.

I went for the p40 for costs per GB of vram, speed was less important to me than being able to load the larger models at all. Including the fan and fan coupling i'm all in about $250 per card. I'm planning on adding more in the future, I to suffer from too many pci-e slots.

The cuda version I dont think will become an issue anytime to soon but is coming to be sure.