God fucking dammit he should have been the fucking president in 2016. Fuck this timeline.
How fucking stupid are people Jesus Christ.
A copy of every page on every .gov website to run against a difftool every 5s.
Fuck this place.
Yeah, the wealthy never get away with that!
Speaking of events I have 0 interest in attending regardless of who wins...
The odds of there being 0 violence is... 0.
IIRC it has to do with the label "domestic terrorism," and labelling groups that will otherwise be treated below the law.
We say proud boys are "domestic terrorists" and send them to gitmo, then suddenly desantis is saying everyone he doesn't like is antifa.
And that's worse than having the proud boys.
I could be totally wrong, this is just what I felt I've been lead to believe in that past was the reasoning for this clear issue.
Both Johnny Knoxville's podcast and Steveo's podcast are pretty great.
Before ya know it, the frogs are gay!
Awww your wife isn't your property?? 😢
Fuck is there somewhere online I can place a bet on this?
Might as well turn a profit off if this horrible fucking clown show.