It looks like there are multiple layers printed without feeding filament, which causes these frays to build up. Could it be that the filament clogs after this layer? Or do you see that filament still properly feeds later? This could happen for example due to heat creep and the filament getting too warm/soft in the extruder to properly feed or you trying to feed too fast.
The layoffs are finally paying off..
However I can see when any IPv6 begins with 2a02:12xx:: then it's Swisscom (biggest swiss ISP). But I can't remember any of their hundreds of IPv4 prefixes.
You might be able to make it much stiffer by adding more of the arms parallel. The force should be consistent when you tighten multiple of them with one screw.
Make the movements visible in preview. Most probably it makes the total movement shorter when switching between parts.
Lower speed between the holes because of low acceleration. Because of this more heat is brought into the layer which makes it more shiny. Your nozzle doesn't reach the same speed on a 20mm line as it does on a 200mm line.
The root cause has been fixed in 2.2.2: Block cloning has not yet been reenabled as default though.
Is it only me or does that CoreXZ kinematic not make any sense? They gain the ability to move in Z in high speed but add ringing etc. in Z direction.
Room-scale DnD dungeons anyone?