
joined 2 years ago
[–] 16 points 3 months ago (1 children)

so... just to be on point. On which part your arguments are related, to sustain or deny, this:

Because all the rest, is just not an argument.

[–] 32 points 3 months ago (4 children)

He is at Rusia because Europe denied him passage when he was traveling to south-america. And of course, he benefits the fact that Rusia and the US are not in good terms. But... how in earth that makes him accountable by the acts of the government of the country he lives in? That's just a falcious argument (ad-hominem), not a real fact. Where, in which acts, what actions he did to "collaborate" with "one of the most brutal fucked regimes currently and historically"? Is like saying you as american citizen (if you are), are directly accountable for all the "brutal and fucked up" actions your government does and supports along the world. But this is not technology, is politics... in what this article is important for this comunity is that a remarkable known specialist on security endorses what we (supporters of FOSS way of doing things, that includes Stallman, on which we could have also a lot of other difference, but not on that) have been saying during years.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

Well, keeping an infrastructure like github is very expensive. Other solutions like gitlab are no real solution as gitlab itself is also not completely FOSS. Codeberg is a relatively new kid in the block, and sustainability in the long term is still not proven. Gitea/Forjego requires you to selfhost your repositories and that's something not everybody can afford/take the time to do.
So, we have a situation of a standard de facto, when one company took the space and constitued a monopoly, forcing the users to use it or be invisible otherwise.
So, there you have the reason: visibility in a market dominated by just one actor.
How to fight this situation? There is no much way as individuals, a partial solution is to use a FOSS solution and then mirror on github for visibility. Of course this is limited as individual solutions wont change collective problems, but FOSS groups doing the same are no longer individuals but communities so with time we may have a way to get out...

EDIT: s/go/get

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

It's a Smalltalk. I do not like to compare languages because each one has its own merits, but until now, I do not think there is an environment that matches what Smalltalk (and Pharo) provides (which is just understandable by using it, heh)

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Ok, I admit I do not understand why it is returning an error (link is good, however)


Pharo is a pure object-oriented programming language and a powerful environment, focused on simplicity and immediate feedback (think IDE and OS rolled into one).

[–] 13 points 8 months ago (5 children)

Mind to elaborate a little bit more about the Manjaro problem? I am driving it since a couple of years without any issue but I keep hearing this… now I am afraid :)

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

well, I has been already years using Manjaro and never happened to me.
Not that it can't, but never happened to me and I hope it wont :)

[–] 2 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Manjaro Gnome. It just works ;)

[–] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

This is nice!

Still, I would like to have an equal list of non GAFAM channels, heh.
I know "The Linux Experiment" (the best of those channels IMO) has a peertube:

any other around?

[–] 26 points 10 months ago (2 children)

I turned on my computer and started to play mass effect 2... during 48h.
Slept a bit.
Call my family and friends to go out and not be alone.
Continue living.
Two years later I met my actual partner and we have a beautiful life with two incredible kids.
Just remember: losing someone hurts but is not the end, the heart heals.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I love Pharo :) All the power of a Smalltalk for the 21 century, a small but very nice community, decent library support (but not huge), and a good FFI interface when this is not enough.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Oops… most people now ignores… I meant :)


Hello, I work on Pharo, an open source derivative of Smalltalk. Pharo is licensed under MIT hence most of my work needs to be licensed also under MIT.

However, time to time I have some projects in my free time that I made for my personal usage or for friends, and in those cases I am not OK with my work being used by for-profit project not giving anything back. I would very much prefer to use GPLv3 on those cases, but my understanding of licensing is very poor and I have been told there is a "virus" behavior on GPLv3 that may prevent people to use at all what I do, and that's not my intention.

Do you have any advice how to handle this?



I lurk into some thematic instances very often, without being necessarily subscribed to all communities there, but this is a hard task to do as lemmy is right now: I need to know the instance as first, then I need to open it in another window... and finally, if I decide I want to subscribe to a community there I need to comeback to my own instance and look for the community to hit the join button.

I think it would be a nice addition to be able to bookmark instances and then browse their local feed by clicking there... a super extra bonus would be being able to subscribe to extra-communities from there.


hi, I was looking for my subscriptions to see if some can be added and got super confused while looking at my communities. I think the way this list is presented can be enhanced:

I mean... a cloud is not a good way to show it and is very confusing. Just a regular list will do the job better IMO.

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