I run grapheneos since a couple of years and I love it.
Sounds like a good solution as well
I run nextcloud on my machine. If there's a crack, there would be one in their hosted instance as well. There's nothing really I can do about security of it.
Don't feel bad for using it for your business.
As you said, a free post is better than paid ads somewhere else. And you don't use it personally, that's the great part. Moreover, you use lemmy. Kudos to you
Thx, thats not it
Yes, it works with nginxproxymanager. There's probably something going on with selinux - I may disable it the next time to test the assumption.
Thanks. For now, I spend too much time with it. I'll try some other time again.
Sorry for not having expressed what I did. I wrote a podman compose file, pulled the caddy image, wrote a caddyfile, started it and tried to connect to a service via subdomain.domain.tld .
The caddyfile contains my http and tls ports and the domain and ip for the reverse proxy routing according to the docs.
The result is no log entry in caddy and no result in the browser or curl.
Thx for offering your help.
If I would know, I could debug it, but I don't know where the problem is. I assume the problem is somewhere with podman or selinux
Ipv64.net is an alternative, just in case you want to switch some day
I had problems with duckdns as well. Never had problems with ipv64
It doesn't work. I can't manage to debug it.
Fedora server. Podman. Selinux. Port 8443. Ipv4.
Fedora is called fed. Ubuntu is ubu. Laptop is laptop ๐