
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

I've had both the Samsung Fold 2 and now the Pixel Fold

N cer had any issues with them

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Always fun because if you lick it too forcefully it'll explode. Not that it will make much difference to you.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

This is one guy I work with and he really pisses me off, he's so stupid and he does so many dumb things that waste my time, so I also have to use chat GPT to be a liaison between me and him otherwise I'll probably get fired for being unprofessional.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago

The glue on pizza thing is really stupid because it's the only one AI that advises that. All the others do not advise putting glue on pizza.

The presence of one stupid person in your school does not make everyone else stupid. Fortunately, because there's always one stupid kid

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Without getting into whether or not AI is actually useful technology or not, there are a lot of people that have decided they hate it, and want to lambast it at every opportunity. So they ask it really stupid questions, the sort of questions that a 4-year-old asks you repeatedly, then report what it answers as if their stupid question in some way devalues the AI.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

In 1 atmosphere of pressure no temperature is cold enough. You can do it if you put it in a vacuum chamber and cool it down to about -200c

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Historically they were a center right party. They've moved progressively more and more right in recent decades but I'm old enough to remember when they were basically okay. They were never all that good, but they did at least have a few social policies and sensible immigration policies, that weren't just, ban or brown people.

They used to be all about small government and letting people get on with their lives, which wasn't very helpful for people who needed support, but for everybody else it was okay. At least they funded the damn police.

Now they don't even have coherent policies anymore, and actively seem to make everyone's lives worse (Brexit), unless they're in the upper 1%.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think it’s a bit of a fucking joke that the former IMMIGRATION minister should be the one in charge of a far right, anti-immigration movement. Like wasn’t that your job? And didn’t immigration keep going up under you? To record levels?

Apparently his excuse for this is that he was under the evil lefty liberal Rishi, and so could not implement his totally sane, well thought out and fully costed, workable policies.

So because the conservative party has now basically become the right-wing lunatic party they accept this weak arse justification, and consider him to be a viable leader.

It doesn't really matter though, thanks to Labour's "super majority" (which isn't even a thing under our system, but the Tories say it anyway because they've been infected by Americanisms) we can basically ignore everything they say. Just how the conservatives ignored everything labour said in the last parliament.

[–] -1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Well here in, not the United States of America land, we just have busses. I was not aware that busses required a special magic paint job.

I suppose the paint job prevents school shooters wasting their time.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

They are just buses.

I guess the British government just assume that school children are smart enough to get on the right bus without them being individually distinct.

I knew school buses are yellow but I did not realize that they are always yellow. I did not realize that the yellow color meant school. I just assumed that the yellow color was a color busses could be.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I think the reason AI are better than humans is that the AI is just as stupid as the image classifier.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (13 children)

They are also overly US centric.

One of the questions asks you to click on only the school buses. I had to Google how you tell the difference between a school bus and not a school bus.

Also is it a crosswalk if it's at an intersection or is it only a crosswalk if it's in the middle of a road somewhere?

The questions either need to be not cultural or they need to be adapted for where they detect the user is coming from, the first option seems easier.


When you reveal a spoiler the black rectangles go away and it then renders the text in white, but on a white background (light coloured theme) The text renders is exactly the same colour as the background and so you can not see it unless you highlight the post, this renders the background of the post as light grey and there is just about enough contrast difference to now read the text.

When spoiler text is revealed it should render in the same colour as normal text. I'm not sure why it's white.

See images below for demonstration.

spoiler text is hidden

spoiler text has been revealed but is invisible

text post is highlighted and now you can see the spoiler text rendered in white

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