
joined 2 months ago
[–] ealoe@ani.social 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Damaging an aircraft is a serious felony, and you don't own the airspace above your house so you legally can't interfere with them. You think the people at Amazon haven't thought about this? That thing will be covered in cameras and microphones, you won't be able to touch it without being charged.

[–] ealoe@ani.social 8 points 4 days ago

It's missing bald faced hornets, which in addition to being ill tempered jerks like yellow jackets, can memorize faces of people who they perceive as a threat and will single them out of a group to attack.

[–] ealoe@ani.social 34 points 1 week ago

This captures why I don't enjoy Harry Potter (in addition to JKR being a shitter)

[–] ealoe@ani.social 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You're saying this like sort of gotcha, but larger generators can be a lot more efficient than a smaller engine so even running a large diesel generator 24/7 to charge a battery is likely an improvement over a gas powered digger. Same reason powering an EV with a coal power plant is still a win over a gas car, bigger engines are more efficient.

[–] ealoe@ani.social 3 points 1 week ago

That is infinitely funnier, using solely LoTR quotes would make road rage much more humorous

[–] ealoe@ani.social 2 points 1 week ago

Seems like a good word, I like that

[–] ealoe@ani.social 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It's only an "established slur" to some people (mostly in online niche communities), to a lot of people it's just everyday speech. Words such as retarded, special needs, intellectually disabled, moron, imbecile and more are all terms used to describe a disability, just like "blind". I'm tired of this artificially accelerated pejoration sped along by people who just want to correct others to feel good about themselves, the euphemism treadmill for people with intellectual disabilities in particular spins faster than for any other topic. We haven't invented 15 different phrases for blind in the last 50 years, there's no reason to do it for disabled brains any more than for disabled eyeballs.

Instead that energy should be focused on ensuring people don't use someone's disability to put the disabled person down. Those people are the real problem, not normal folks criticizing people for their shitty behaviors they can control, not immutable characteristics about themselves.

[–] ealoe@ani.social 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Foolish seems like a useful word, probably could be substituted and keep the intended meaning intact.

[–] ealoe@ani.social 10 points 1 week ago (10 children)

You'd better be leaving your phone at home every time you drive that car or you've defeated the point

[–] ealoe@ani.social 38 points 1 week ago (29 children)

What is wrong with calling people unintelligent when they are doing unintelligent things that are directly causing me problems (for example, people on their phones blowing through red lights?) If someone tries to change lanes into me and I say "are you blind? You almost hit me!" is that similarly bad?

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