
joined 1 year ago
[–] 17 points 21 hours ago

An argument on the level of "I just wanted to rob him, but he started screaming, so I simply had to kill him. It could have been bloodless, but he had to ruin it..."


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This pic is of a big boy that looks a bit like a lophophora underneath the flower, and here's one of an amazing grafted ball of fun I got last year (rootstock is slightly sun bleached, but quite healthy otherwise):


Looking forward to more and bigger flowers soon!

Edit: one of my gymno triplets also started to bloom some time between 3 hours ago and now! I was hoping all flowers would open up together, but it's still pretty :)



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These were the first cacti my wife and I grafted ourselves at a workshop last year in August. Both took, and are growing FAST - love how healthy they are!

For reference, here's a pic from last year (doggo for scale). Unbelievable how much bigger they are in less than a year! Grafted-Smol-Bois.jpg

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Out of curiosity, since I switched from Windows to Mint recently so I'm not married to it just yet - what would be your recommended distro for Windows users that uses a better/newer tech stack? Mint worked out of the box for me, but if love to try other distros too if they're better.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

In winter I do put the more delicate ones inside and cover the rack to create a mini greenhouse, but with global warming in full swing I might not have to do it for much longer, since Tokyo is turning tropical...

[–] 8 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

That's too bad, because the 1% that most politicians listen to and/or take bribes from is very strongly for it, so, ya know...

[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you! That's the problem though - it's not particularly deliberate - we just put new ones wherever there's still some room left ;)

I did actually order sone color labels yesterday, and I'll be marking and rearranging them according to dormancy periods - it's going to make watering way easier at least.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Right? Managed to kill too many Pseudolithos to admit, but I love them so much I keep trying to grow them... Knock on wood, my current indoor setup with a lamp seems to be working, so here's hoping there are no more poor Pseudolithos victims of my ineptitude in the future :)


When the weather allows it, I keep most of my plants outside, so the main picture is a view that shows my balcony from the far end, just to better display the extent of my wife's and mine craziness.

Here are some closeups of different racks and sections - I will properly organize it one day, I'm almost certain of it ;) You can click the embeds for full-res photos.









I also have a rack in the living room, next to the TV, with some lamps: Hot-Mess-10.jpg

That's about it for now, at least until the weekend - might notice some more cute succ-ers when I go grocery shopping or whatever, and as you can clearly see impulse control is not my forte :P

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

Thank you so much! The show had no photos policy unfortunately, but I might snap some pics of my collection later. It's pretty chaotic and disorganized, and my veranda is a mess to boot, but maybe I can find some angles that are semi-presentable :)

I'm not a pro at this at all though - just a tryhard who loves weird plants and keeps getting more and more, even though some of them keep dying on him :(

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I also let them grow freely in general. If they multiply I will split them into extra pots when re-potting, but they're all too cute to throw out.

[–] 5 points 3 weeks ago

A lot, two or three merchants had only haworthias actually, but I didn't get any.


It was very hot, very crowded and yet still worth it - finally got not just one, but both known species of Aztekium without going bankrupt - I wanted one for a long while, but they tend to be stupid expensive in Japan.

Love the two cute jellybeans too - Conophytum burgeri. Hell, love all of them, that's why I bought too many yet again :)

Here are a few closeup shots: Tokyo-Grand-Bazaar2.jpg



[–] 59 points 3 weeks ago

Eating out of stress or boredom instead of when I'm actually hungry. I am getting better, but still, sometimes work pisses me off so much it's back to angrily stuffing whatever food I have on hand into my gaping maw...

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The opuntia is a decent size, but the rest aren't huge, yeah. I tend to buy smaller cacti, since I enjoy watching them grow (and they're way cheaper when they're small too ;))


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First bigger shopping trip this season, and I bought way too many again.

I'm kinda tired now, so just a quick brag before I properly id them :)

Here's some more shots: New-Cacti-May2024-2.jpg



Today's haul from a small succulent show in Tokyo. From the left, Adromischus marianiae var. herrei, a hybrid Orthonna (cremnophila X herrei), Myrtillocactus geometrizans also known as "Boobie cactus" (no, really!) and a pwetty wittle Pseudolithos cubiformis.

Love every single of'em already!

Here's another angle:


Went to a succulent/cactus store today to get some repotting soil, came back with that, and these three little stowaways :)

From the left, Pseudolithos migiurtinus, a beautiful Pleiospilos nerii in bloom, and cute Gymnocalycium quehlianum var. calochlorum triplets.


Went to a gardening store to pick up some rosemary and thyme (since I still have more than enough of sage and parsley;)) and found these beauties: a white(ish) Echeveria sold under a moniker "Queen", and a beautiful plump Pleiospilos nelii. First new succulets this season - looking forward to seeing them grow!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

I still can't stop myself from getting succulents. These two just arrived today - a fuzzy-wuzzy Mammillaria plumosa on the left, and a cute spiky potato (Pachypodium densiflorum) on the right.

Not the best time for potting, but I saw them online and couldn't help it :)


Went shopping for something else, and just randomly saw them at a flower shop - couldn't pass them up, and here they are! :)


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Ordered online, and it looks even better than in the photos! Just extraordinary - instantly became my favorite one in my collection!


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Got these before my wife physically dragged me out of the venue to prevent me from buying any more ;)

Group pic above, and here are indiividual shots, filenames are the name of each plant:

Tephrocactus-articulatus.jpg Tephrocactus-articulatus-var-papyracanthus.jpg Cephalocereus-senilis.jpg Neoporteria-senilis.jpg Mammilaria-hahniana-f-lanata.jpg Mammilaria-bocasana-Fred.jpg

The last two photos are both mammilarias - kinda neat how varied they can get within the same genus :)

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