what matters most is who can afford expensive lawyers and if they cost enough; it doesn't matter whose legally at fault.
joined 1 year ago
you make it sound like there's other places to do it. lol
you're misinformed and making a silly argument based on your misinformation.
here's an article going over biden spouting bullshit conspiracy theories with zero basis in fact and providing shitty governance for lgbtq people by singling them out for political gain: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-1973-gay-federal-employees-security-risk-frank-camp.
there are many more examples from in his 2020 campaign that prove biden's a shitty establishment politician that still stands by his bullshit racist, homophobic, and classicist conspiracy beliefs to this day.
trumpers are no different than you; they're simply operating w a different style of ignorance.