I'm just as stumped, but my best guess is there's some application(s) that expect(s) the Windows Driver store to work and return an exception if it's missing.
Almost day is Star Trek Day for me...😈😂
Gotta agree with Data's Day. In that same vein, I also love Hero Worship.
Using book mode, I once typed the entirety of The Inner Light script in Monkeytype. My meme description of that episode is "Picard plays Animal Crossing VR and then has his entire save deleted."
You could say it was earl grey hot.
Less Perfect DOS VGA is what I use in my terminal on my desktop since I use the Chicago95 theme.
OpenTTD Mono is also cool, though. It almost gives Apple Chicago font vibes.
Ransom: "Just keep circling."
10-12? I was sneakily joining my mom's TNG watch sessions when I was 7! 😂
Though I enjoyed Star Trek, I wasn't watching whole series until 2020 or so. Funny enough, VOY Endgame came out four days after my parent's wedding, which my dad had to sit with my mom for.
Do you count The Inner Light as one of the cozy episodes or stressful episodes?
Not to mention that great soundtrack. Honestly, Lower Decks truly has the most memorable soundtrack of pretty much any Star Trek post-VOY. No generic cinematic fare for me.
Usually, no, especially with DS9 (Even that crappy spread-up version with the cheap drum track tacked on top used after season 4.)
However, as I was watching Prodigy on my desktop, my behavior varied. For a while, I watched the whole intro, but my anticipation became too much and I began skipping right through it as I got through season 2.
It almost sounds like you're trying to impress Captain Freeman. Just replace "beautiful" with "handsome".
I hear his advice is almost as wise as Boothby's.