Maybe but includes more scalable societies including whole nations and alliance of nations, and censorship could be de facto or de jure.
The choice to opt in and out depends on the class perspective in bourgoisie society; the more subjugated one is the less of a choice that will feel. If one can imagine a censorship in favour of the dictatorship of the bourgoisie then why not in one favor for the dictatorship of the proleteriat?
If a formal censorship is not declared it does not mean an informal does not exist, one which is dictated by class relations within that society (this is itself one of the criticisms against anarchist ideas of post-capitalism ie not based on science but on utopia/idealism of the assumption of lack of formal hierarchies would free mankind's innate nature for freedom or some such Bakunin nonsense. Our nature is in a relationship with nature outside us, each constantly changing the other - ie it is dialectical. )
For anyone interested, UK poverty report 2024 by the Rowntree Foundation:
This is purposeful underdevelopment under capitalism and effectively it is socio-economic murder. By not guaranteeing economic rights since the bourgoise French Revolution the supposed political rights on offer are meaningless.
However, it is likely going to be a further turn into fascism as most people in poverty in the west see their salvation in the perceived offer of labor aristocracy and peitite bourgois sentiments to them at the expense of those from the global south.