
joined 9 months ago
[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

For anyone interested, UK poverty report 2024 by the Rowntree Foundation:


This is purposeful underdevelopment under capitalism and effectively it is socio-economic murder. By not guaranteeing economic rights since the bourgoise French Revolution the supposed political rights on offer are meaningless.

However, it is likely going to be a further turn into fascism as most people in poverty in the west see their salvation in the perceived offer of labor aristocracy and peitite bourgois sentiments to them at the expense of those from the global south.

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Maybe but includes more scalable societies including whole nations and alliance of nations, and censorship could be de facto or de jure.

The choice to opt in and out depends on the class perspective in bourgoisie society; the more subjugated one is the less of a choice that will feel. If one can imagine a censorship in favour of the dictatorship of the bourgoisie then why not in one favor for the dictatorship of the proleteriat?

If a formal censorship is not declared it does not mean an informal does not exist, one which is dictated by class relations within that society (this is itself one of the criticisms against anarchist ideas of post-capitalism ie not based on science but on utopia/idealism of the assumption of lack of formal hierarchies would free mankind's innate nature for freedom or some such Bakunin nonsense. Our nature is in a relationship with nature outside us, each constantly changing the other - ie it is dialectical. )

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 3 days ago

Fascism; they both see communists and muslims as their enemies. Their trade solidifies those common beliefs. (In India I believe 75% of muslims are considered converts from lower castes; even without this being true there is a clear class subjugation here, and it is not for nowt that the first national liberation movements against the Brits came from musilm communities.)

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (3 children)

Every community has censorship to filter out its perception of noise or topics they feel are dangerous/ destablising/ upsets decorum/creates havoc with internal structures etc etc. We do it here for example with bad-faith liberal slop. It could be de facto or de jure.

In capitalist society it would be those that fit with their narratives and perspectives. For example, we live in a world of (crumbling) Western Hegemony so there will be self-censorship on the genocide or pro-Russian perspectives of the Ukraine war; from schools to newspapers to entertainment media - there does not need to be someone at the top pulling the strings, the associated communities (formal and informal) will do that themselves.

Education will not in itself lead to "enlightenment". One of the first organisations to discover climate change were oil companies but their class perspective did not take them down the path of environmentalism.

We have to a degree accept the fact the people intelligently seek narratives that they feel benefit their perceived material perspectives - including us - and it behooves us as MLs to understand this and allows us to better understand which class our audience is and focus our energies where it is productive.

Anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers could look up the same information we do but choose not to believe them. It comes from a level of privilege where they feel the consequences of their ignorance does not affect them. They create spaces for themselves to talk about the issues that are important to them and filter out the "noise" in those spaces.

In the wider community the above two groups fester as they are not a threat to capital. In a spcialist society such nonsense is stomped out for the greater good.

There are for example stories where "traditional" communities with overbearing patriarchal structures who were forced at gunpoint for their women to be literate and educated. There is a "generational trauma" but the outcome of good is exponential as a result for all the following generations. (This is not a specific example of socialist history, this was actually Kemalist Turkey. Socialists usually use more tactful approaches)

We have to understand freedom not from an idealistic conception but a scientific understanding of social sciences, and it ia from that true freedom is acheived.

The west has at its disposal significant access to vast volumes of knowledge through the internet but people voluntarily choose wilful ignorance for their perceived material benefits.

The above is not a nihilistic perspective, it is encouraging to know there is a scientific approach to liberation of the world despite what it seems like an unsurmountable obstacle of bad-faith ignorance. It just means we have to direct our energies towards the revolutionary classes.

(English was not initially my first language either; hope life at your end gives you a break!)

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

"Marketplace of ideas" means the idea with dominant capital will be dominant; it is not the "merit" of the argument that wins a person over. In a dictatorship of the proleteriat by seizing the means of production the socialist enterprise controls the capital and therefore "wins" the argument for the proleteriat. The perception whether an idea is good or not is always affected by bias; the point is for whom the bias should be in favor of.

That does not mean there is no objective reality or concrete solutions to real-world problems. Science is the method of figuring this out and marxism is a science. The problem is where and when people choose science in the day to day world. There are classes of people with sufficient privilege that perceive not to be affected by this ignorance, and therefore ignore the science when it suits them.

It is not a question of whether "censorship" is good or not; de facto censorship will always exist with every community and society - the question who gets to decide which censorship, what gets censored and which media it should take form in.

If one imagines a space with no formal censorship that does not mean it does not take place; a lack of a formal structure and hierarchy just means an informal one takes place instead, and in a capitalist world this means capital will dictate what those will end up being.

In early stages of socialism by definition it will have capital mechanisms such as markets; this is not maintained in a "neutral" environment, it will inevitably come with the culture of liberalism.

We should aim to have a scientific approach and understand of how things works and try to step away from the liberal frameworks we are brought up in which often conceptualises problems it does not really want to solve in absractions, rather than ground them in the concrete of the real.

My argument isn't for or against censorship; it is just a tool and to understand how and whether we use this tool we should understand the science of how ideas "win" people over.

One can think of a socialist country as where the standards enforced on an educator is enforced on every aspect of society and this includes what gets amplified and de-amplified for the progression of society. No individual has the correct answer, our collective knowledge and trials of how to apply this scientifically in a continually shifting landscape is the way forward.

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

In addition to the other comments here, Has China Turned to Capitalism? Reflections on the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism (60 minutes): https://redsails.org/losurdo-on-china/

[–] darkernations@lemmygrad.ml 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

It is difficult to "brainwash" people against their perceived material interests. People are "apolitical" because they benefit from the status quo. There are plenty of Chinese liberals within the mainland who are allowed to benefit from the current system as they interact with it in a way that is overall beneficial to the dictatorship of the proleteriat but if there are narratives that they feel will benefit them further which they can act on that causes malevolence, then they will potentially be a greater cost to the system than a benefit; a burden the country could do without.

Western propaganda works because of perceived material benefits of going along with it and the costs of going against it exceed the benefits in a capitalist world; not because it injects ideas into human beings scifi/horror-movie-style like a poltergiest taking over them against their will.