
joined 2 years ago
[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Thank for your suggestion, I will check it in the future since I'm not using/familiar with MPD and I prefer not using stuff in the AUR if possible. My actual solution is Quod Libet, it's very customizable and can sort music correctly by year. I would like to see Elisa improved since I find it very good.


Hi, Arch Linux KDE 6.0.2 here, looks like Elisa can't sort album by "originalyear" but only by "year"; this mean album in the same year appears in a random order.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 months ago

I think it's maybe to add a security layer in the case of crashes but I don't really know. Simple apps were good since they had the same UI and the transation felt good.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Dialer apps are a mess, waiting for Fossify also here

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 1 points 5 months ago

Archlinux has the best wiki and community for every type of issue.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 14 points 5 months ago

Anarchism@lemmy.ml is moderately active. You also have the solarpunk movement.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 27 points 5 months ago (8 children)

Steam Decks?

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 27 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

*if teeth are in a regular position.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 16 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Orgzly Revived deleted every list/note app I tried.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

300 is one of the ugliest and most pretentious film of the century: pectorals made in computer graphics, pompous advertising shooter direction (which is in fact Snyder's "cultural" background) and a completely idiotic use of slow motion like we've never seen before.

I can partly agree with you if we talk about the graphic novel but I still regretted purchasing that comic, a pro-fascist and forgettable work.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 24 points 6 months ago (2 children)

The better experience is a film without Snyder. The Owls of Ga'Hoole is the only decent work in his (artistically) shitty career.

[–] danileonis@lemmy.ml 0 points 6 months ago

Your smartphone is already an always connected device, and you can manually do periodical backups on external drives which is a good practice in any case.

You can also set which device rules the file modification (sent or receive only as a folder).

I think it's ok for most of the people. If you have a tons of precious files to save I can agree with you, but I think this type of "off-grid self-hosting" is just the future of personal data management.


I'm loving this app and wanted to share it. Thanks to whoever brought the project back to life.

Trivia: I had been looking for a good app for taking notes and organizing my thoughts for a long time, in addition to this I wanted my notes to be able to be used and edited from a PC via local synchronization via Syncthing. Another fundamental factor is that it had to be both comfortable and easy to use but also capable of being structured. This new version of Orgzly covers pretty much all the points I asked for; and yes, I'm aware that I'm overly enthusiastic about it.


I was trying to find some games the other day, using advanced search and filters, and I've noticed some categories feel not so useful. This is the actual main categorization:

  • Abstract games
  • Children's games
  • Customizable games
  • Family games
  • Party games
  • Strategy games
  • Thematic games
  • Wargames

These are the main game genres in your opinion?


What's your plan to achieve this objective?


Capitalism is obviously destroyed but I read very little on "money".


There are distributions with a great Steam experience out of the box? It's SteamOS actually a good choice? Maybe isn't what you use or prefer.

A good Steam distro for me has a very mininal procedure for perfectly working controllers, client and general user experience.

Your direct test and experience are very appreciated.


I like to have the same wallpaper for every aspect of the system, maybe there's a script?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/selfhost@lemmy.ml

Looks like it isn't even supported by OpenWrt, can I find a sense to this poor old device in 2023?

Thanks for any suggestion!


I'm searching for a good film about it.


It is possible to estimate?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by danileonis@lemmy.ml to c/voidlinux@lemmy.ml

Fresh Void install: looks like I have an old issue with flacs where songs are interrupted for a second or less. I came from Arch where this bug was fixed after a recent update to some package (maybe pipewire or flac itself?).

I've noticed many Void packages are not in the latest version like on Arch, so maybe I can use a flatpak or other to solve? Thanks for any help on this!

[edit] Looks like the fix is on flac 1.4.2, here the changelogs, Void version is still at 1.3.4

I've "partially solved" the issue using my fav player thru flatpak


And what do you actually use? I know the answer is probably self-hosting but maybe there are other solutions for a decent privacy.

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