
joined 1 year ago
[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 1 points 16 hours ago

But there's nothing stopping you from loading realistic (or even real) data into a system like this. They're entirely different concepts. Indeed, I've loaded gigabytes of production data into systems similar to what I'm proposing here (taking all necessary precautions of course). At one company, I even built a system that pulled production into a developer-friendly snapshot while simultaneously pseudo-anonymising that data so it can be safely (for some value of ${safe}) be tinkered with in development.

In fact, adhering to a system like this makes such things easier, since you don't have to make any concessions to "this is how we do it in development". You just pull a snapshot from the environment you want to work with and load it into your Compose session.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

It sounds like you're confusing the application with the data. Nothing in this model requires the use of production data.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 days ago

I feel like you must have read an entirely different post, which must be a failing in my writing.

I would never condone baking secrets into a compose file, which is why the values in compose.yaml aren't secrets. The idea is that your compose file is used exclusively for testing and development, where the data isn't real, and the priority is easing development. When you deploy, you don't use that compose file because your environment is populated by whatever you use in production (typically Kubernetes these days).

You should not store your development database password in a .env file because it's not a secret. The AWS keys listed in the compose are meant to be exactly as they are there: XXX, because LocalStack doesn't care what these values are, only that they exist.

As for the CLI thing, again I think you've missed the point. The idea is to start from a position of "I'm building images" and therefore neve have a "local app, (Django, sqlite)" because sqlite should not be used unless that's what's used in production. There should be little to no difference between development and production, so scripting a bridge between these doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I don't mean to be snarky, but I feel like you didn't actually read the post 'cause pretty much everything you've suggested is the opposite of what I was trying to say.

  • A CLI to make things simple sounds nice, but given that the whole idea is to harmonise the develop/test/deploy process, writing a whole program to hide the differences is counterproductive.
  • Config settings should be hard-coded into your docker-compose file and absolutely not stored in .json or .env files. The litmus test here is: "How many steps does it take to get this project running?" If it's more than 1 (docker compose up) it's too many.
  • Suggesting that one package Django into a single Lambda seems like an odd take on a post about Docker.
[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

High praise! Just keep in mind that my blog is a mixed bag of topics. A little code, lots of politics, and some random stuff to boot.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

It's a tough one, but there are a few options.

For AWS, my favourite one is LocalStack, a Docker image that you can stand up like any other service and then tell it to emulate common AWS services: S3, Lamda, etc. They claim to support 80 different services which is... nuts. They've got a strange licensing model though, which last time I used it meant that they support some of the more common services for free, but if you want more you gotta pay... and they aren't cheap. I don't know if anything like this exists for Azure.

The next-best choice is to use a stand-in. Many cloud services are just managed+branded Free software projects. RDS is either PostgreSQL or MySQL, ElastiCache is just Redis, etc. For these, you can just stand up a copy of the actual service and since the APIs are identical, you should be fine. Where it gets tricky is when the cloud provider has messed with the API or added functionality that doesn't exist elsewhere. SQS for example is kind of like RabbitMQ but not.

In those cases, it's a question of how your application interacts with this service. If it's by way of an external package (say Celery to SQS for example), then using RabbitMQ locally and SQS in production is probably fine because it's Celery that's managing the distinction and not you. They've done the work of testing compatibility, so theoretically you don't have to.

If however your application is the kind of thing that interacts with this service on a low level, opening a direct connection and speaking its protocol yourself, that's probably not a good idea.

That leaves the third option, which isn't great, but I've done it and it's not so bad: use the cloud service in development. Normally this is done by having separate services spun up per user or even with a role account. When your app writes to an S3 bucket locally, it's actually writing to a real bucket called companyname-username-projectbucket. With tools like Terraform, the fiddly process of setting all this up can be drastically simplified, so it's not so bad -- just make sure that the developers are aware of the fact that their actions can incur costs is all.

If none of the above are suitable, then it's probably time to stub out the service and then rely more heavily on a QA or staging environment that's better reflective of production.

Developing with Docker (danielquinn.org)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by danielquinn@lemmy.ca to c/python@programming.dev

I've been writing code professionally for 24 years, 15 of which has been Python and 9 years of that with Docker. I got tired of running into the same complications every time I started a new job, so I wrote this. Maybe you'll find it useful, or it could even start a conversation, but this post has been a long time coming.

Update: I had a few requests for a demo repo as a companion to this post, so I wrote one today. It includes a very small Django demo user Docker, Compose, and GitLab CI.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 5 days ago (2 children)

You got the eyes just right!

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah that was the big strike against it for me too. I found that you can sort of perch it over a crossed leg and it's sort of serviceable that way, but yeah... no coding on the train with a Surface.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

The Surface Pro keyboard is actually quite good, with the added bonus that it's also easily detachable.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 14 points 3 weeks ago

This too is an excellent take. "Artificial pain points" for capitalism, or "learn some shit" for Linux. Love it.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 weeks ago

At the firewall level, port forwarding forwards traffic bound for one port to another machine on your network on an arbitrary port, but the UI built on top of it in your router may not include this.

If it's not an option in your Fritzbox, your options are:

  • Make the service running on your internal network listen on one of those high-number ports instead.
  • Introduce another machine on the network that also performs NAT between your router and your machine
  • Try to access the underlying firewall in your router to tweak the rules manually. Some routers have an admin console accessible via telnet or SSH that may allow this.
  • Get a new router.

The first and last options on this list are probably the best.

[–] danielquinn@lemmy.ca 45 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

You make an excellent point. I have a lot more patience for something I can understand, control, and most importantly, modify to my needs. Compared to an iThing (when it's interacting with other iThings anyway) Linux is typically embarrassingly user hostile.

Of course, if you want your iThing to do something Apple hasn't decided you should want to do, it's a Total Fucking Nightmare to get working, so you use the OS that supports your priorities.

Still, I really appreciate the Free software that goes out of its way to make things easy, and it's something I prioritise in my own Free software offerings.


It would seem that I have far too much time on my hands. After the post about a Star Trek "test", I started wondering if there could be any data to back it up and... well here we go:

Those Old Scientists

Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
KIRK 8257 32.89
SPOCK 3985 15.87
MCCOY 2334 9.3
SCOTT 912 3.63
SULU 634 2.53
UHURA 575 2.29
CHEKOV 417 1.66

The Next Generation

Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
PICARD 11175 20.16
RIKER 6453 11.64
DATA 5599 10.1
LAFORGE 3843 6.93
WORF 3402 6.14
TROI 2992 5.4
CRUSHER 2833 5.11
WESLEY 1285 2.32

Deep Space Nine

Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
SISKO 8073 13.0
KIRA 5112 8.23
BASHIR 4836 7.79
O'BRIEN 4540 7.31
ODO 4509 7.26
QUARK 4331 6.98
DAX 3559 5.73
WORF 1976 3.18
JAKE 1434 2.31
GARAK 1420 2.29
NOG 1247 2.01
ROM 1172 1.89
DUKAT 1091 1.76
EZRI 953 1.53


Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
JANEWAY 10238 17.7
CHAKOTAY 5066 8.76
EMH 4823 8.34
PARIS 4416 7.63
TUVOK 3993 6.9
KIM 3801 6.57
TORRES 3733 6.45
SEVEN 3527 6.1
NEELIX 2887 4.99
KES 1189 2.06


Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
ARCHER 6959 24.52
T'POL 3715 13.09
TUCKER 3610 12.72
REED 2083 7.34
PHLOX 1621 5.71
HOSHI 1313 4.63
TRAVIS 1087 3.83
SHRAN 358 1.26


Important Note: As the source material is incomplete for Discovery, the following table only includes line counts from seasons 1 and 4 along with a single episode of season 2.

Name Total Lines Percentage of Lines
BURNHAM 2162 22.92
SARU 773 8.2
BOOK 586 6.21
STAMETS 513 5.44
TILLY 488 5.17
LORCA 471 4.99
TARKA 313 3.32
TYLER 300 3.18
GEORGIOU 279 2.96
CULBER 267 2.83
RILLAK 205 2.17
DETMER 186 1.97
OWOSEKUN 169 1.79
ADIRA 154 1.63
COMPUTER 152 1.61
ZORA 151 1.6
VANCE 101 1.07
CORNWELL 101 1.07
SAREK 100 1.06
T'RINA 96 1.02

If anyone is interested, here's the (rather hurried, don't judge me) Python used:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This script assumes that you've already downloaded all the episode lines from
# the fantastic chakoteya.net:
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/STDisco17/ http://www.chakoteya.net/STDisco17/episodes.html -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Enterprise/ http://www.chakoteya.net/Enterprise/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/Voyager/ http://www.chakoteya.net/Voyager/episode_listing.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/DS9/ http://www.chakoteya.net/DS9/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/NextGen/ http://www.chakoteya.net/NextGen/episodes.htm -m
# wget --accept=html,htm --relative --wait=2 --include-directories=/StarTrek/ http://www.chakoteya.net/StarTrek/episodes.htm -m
# Then you'll probably have to convert the following files to UTF-8 as they
# differ from the rest:
# * Voyager/709.htm
# * Voyager/515.htm
# * Voyager/416.htm
# * Enterprise/41.htm

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

EPISODE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\d+\.html?$")
LINE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[A-Z']+): ")

EPISODES = Path("www.chakoteya.net")
ENT = EPISODES / "Enterprise"
TNG = EPISODES / "NextGen"
TOS = EPISODES / "StarTrek"
VOY = EPISODES / "Voyager"

    TOS.name: "Those Old Scientists",
    TNG.name: "The Next Generation",
    DS9.name: "Deep Space Nine",
    VOY.name: "Voyager",
    ENT.name: "Enterprise",
    DISCO.name: "Discovery",

class CharacterLines:
    def __init__(self, path: Path) -> None:
        self.path = path
        self.line_count = defaultdict(int)

    def collect(self) -> None:
        for episode in self.path.glob("*.htm*"):
            if EPISODE_REGEX.match(episode.name):
                for line in episode.read_text().split("\n"):
                    if m := LINE_REGEX.match(line):
                        self.line_count[m.group("name")] += 1

    def as_tablular_data(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, int, float], ...]:
        total = sum(self.line_count.values())
        r = []
        for k, v in self.line_count.items():
            percentage = round(v * 100 / total, 2)
            if percentage > 1:
                r.append((str(k), v, percentage))
        return tuple(reversed(sorted(r, key=lambda _: _[2])))

    def render(self) -> None:
        print(f"\n\n# {NAMES[self.path.name]}\n")
        print("| Name             | Total Lines | Percentage of Lines |")
        print("| ---------------- | :---------: | ------------------: |")
        for character, total, pct in self.as_tablular_data:
            print(f"| {character:16} | {total:11} | {pct:19} |")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for series in (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, DISCO):
        counter = CharacterLines(series)

I'm working on a some materials for a class wherein I'll be teaching some young, wide-eyed Windows nerds about Linux and we're including a section we're calling "foot guns". Basically it's ways you might shoot yourself in the foot while meddling with your newfound Linux powers.

I've got the usual forgetting the . in lines like this:

$ rm -rf ./bin

As well as a bunch of other fun stories like that one time I mounted my Linux home folder into my Windows machine, forgot I did that, then deleted a parent folder.

You know, the war stories.

Tell me yours. I wanna share your mistakes so that they can learn from them.

Fun (?) side note: somehow, my entire ${HOME}/projects folder has been deleted like... just now, and I have no idea how it happened. I may have a terrible new story to add if I figure it out.


A break from the usual in this community, but I trust it'll be appreciated. I think this is very solarpunk: using technology to improve the lives of all creatures.


I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 over the holidays. I started and finished the Nuka World DLC (killed all the baddies), made it to level 90, etc.

Today I was playing on my Deck as the battery got a little low (11%) so I saved my game, exited the game, and went to shut down.

As it was shutting down, the Deck displayed a message, something like "Syncing to Steam Cloud" as the logo was spinning.

A few hours later, on a full charge, I booted it back up, started Fallout 4 again and... some of my old saves are there, but only about 30% of them, and critically not the most recent ones.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is this a known issue? Can I fix it, or report it? I've basically lost interest in finishing the game now.


His original post , titled I can't sleep, is some brilliant writing. When we talk about the chilling effect that criticism of Israel creates in industries everywhere (including ours) this is what that looks like.


I needed something for a presentation I'm doing on advanced Linux, so I thought something like this might be appropriate.

Annoyingly, I can't seem to get Bing to generate an image that isn't square.


[For reference, I'm talking about Ash in Alpine Linux here, which is part of BusyBox.]

I thought I knew the big differences, but it turns out I've had false assumptions for years. Ash does support [[ double square brackets ]] and (as best I can tell) all of Bash's logical trickery inside them. It also supports ${VARIABLE_SUBSTRINGS:5:12}` which was another surprise.

At this stage, the only things I've found that Bash can do that Ash can't are:

  • Arrays, which Bash doesn't seem to do well anyway
  • Brace expansion, which is awesome but I can live without it.

What else is there? Did Ash used to be more limited? The double square bracket thing really surprised me.


The other day someone was complaining about the new ad blocker-blocker on YouTube and I mentioned that it might be fun to write a Firefox extension that would just load up yt-dlp and play the video through mpv.

It turns out, writing a Firefox extension is easy and tricking Firefox into launching yt-dlp isn't much harder (though it does require some annoying configuration on the user's end).

Anyway, if you're a Linux user, feel free to try it out. I don't know how much I'm going to pour into this, but as an exercise of "can this be done", it was pretty good for a few hours on a Friday night.


I'm working on a little program that'll launch different browsers based on the content of the URL passed and I'd like to set it as the default Web app in this list (under Settings → Default Apps). I've written a .desktop file based on the epiphany.desktop file, but it doesn't show up when I hit [Win]+o+p+e and it doesn't show up in the default apps either, so I'm hoping that someone here can explain what I've done wrong.

Here's the contents of the opening.desktop file:

$ cat ~/.local/share/applications/opening.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Web Browser
Comment=Open links in the right browsers
Exec=opening %u

Any criticisms are much appreciated!


...but I think I'd probably be miserable there.

I'm violently allergic to pollen, am terrified of bees, wasps, and grasshoppers, and generally despise bugs and dirt. My ideal world would see everything paved in marble. No cars, (obviously) with a quiet, sustainable, walkable communiy, but green, as beautiful as it is, causes me a great deal of pain.

It's there any place for me in a solarpunk world?


I just found this post on IMDB and I can't believe I haven't heard about this yet. How do I see/hear them? I didn't see it on Paramount+ or YouTube, so I guess the next stop is the high seas? 🏴‍☠️

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