
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh, so it is. I didn't know that. And holy shit do you like removing stuff. Madness

[–] 0 points 2 months ago

I agree that he's probably happy with this incident (given that he only recieved a minor wound, that will probably be very visible whenever he's infront of a camera. But his reaction of calling "fight" is prefectly in line with him being a very defiant person, who's also very politically savvy. It was a perfect response, if you want people to think all political opponents are the enemy.

And Trump also don't lack for "courage", if you can call an egomaniacs conviction that everything will always go his way that. I don't see anything strange with it, given his character.

[–] 14 points 2 months ago (9 children)

I'd love to know why comments are being removed. Please post to !

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

He already had that with the coronavirus and stopped being against vaccines.

Though I think this is completely different. Being shot at for your political beliefs just means that the people you disagree with fear you.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Those are great notes, thank you! It's kind of a low-effort community though, I must confess. I figured if more people wanted to be part of it, it could become more serious with better formatting. Since that hasn't happened, I just threw in some stuff now and then to have any content at all.

Quite frankly you come across as a anti-feminist shitlord who has decided to be a busybody and make a whole community for you to be butthurt about feminist and anti-fascists mods. The reason nobody else contributes to the community you started is because you’ve set the bar so miserably low.

But yeah, you're right that might have meant I set the bar low. I was never much of a content creator. As for anti-feminism, yeah I am anti feminist. Not because I don't support and respect womens rights, but because under the guise of feminism, men become second-class citizens, due to the unfaultering belief that women always deserve more, and that being a man is a sin that should be punished. But that's not what the community is about. Anybody is free to post there.

[–] 10 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I've mostly seen comment removals. Mods seem to use the option to remove comments instead of the downvote button... I tried to make a forum for mod abuse and discussions about how forums are moderated, but so far nobody is using it.

Post to ! if you notice patterns of that sort of thing, maybe we can get it going.

[–] 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

They are useful for dummies like me though! When I let my phone run out of battery while installing an update, I thought it was the end for it. But it turned out that it had just bricked itself by desperately using every single ounce of juice, so it could no longer tell the charger that it wanted to charge.

Solved by buying a dumber charger!

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Pagan baby won't you rock with me

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

now journalism, sociology, economics and civics, on the other hand...

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

No, but we probably sounded something like that way before there were neanderthals and modern humans though. At some point, somebody figured out how to tell their peers that they're going to have to hunt for something big

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

They did speak weird though! Analysis of their airways suggest that they had a much higher-pitched voice than our kind, and probably had a harder time with consonants. So their language would have certainly been different. Although we have no way of knowing if parts of their language still lives on in our speech today.

Men visst, "talare" blir lite roligt på svenska

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Right, so I seem to have gotten it wrong on his name. It was Neander (New Man in greek) rather than Neumann (New Man in german), but I should also have specified in the meme that the name means New Man.


sounds cool though


A lot of users seem to be getting banned from dating apps. Particularly the ones owned by Match Group (Tinder for instance). Some users get banned from all of them at once. This happens to both men and women.

There's also a lot of people who seem to be unable to download dating apps from Google Play Store, allthewhile being able to download other apps just fine. This is the thing I'm most curious about. There's no word from Google on why this is happening as far as I know.

Now obviously as I'm asking this, I believe that most/many of the people who get banned are banned without being given a reason. They seem clueless.

Does anybody know more on how/why these bans occur? Particularly the PlayStore thing seems weird. I've seen it suggested that it has to do with being flagged as underage, but that seems doubtful, as your Google Account will have your age listed.


cross-posted from:

A lot of users seem to be getting banned from dating apps. Particularly the ones owned by Match Group (Tinder for instance). Some users get banned from all of them at once. This happens to both men and women.

There's also a lot of people who seem to be unable to download dating apps from Google Play Store, allthewhile being able to download other apps just fine. This is the thing I'm most curious about. There's no word from Google on why this is happening as far as I know.

Now obviously as I'm asking this, I believe that most/many of the people who get banned are banned without being given a reason. They seem clueless.

Does anybody know more on how/why these bans occur? Particularly the PlayStore thing seems weird. I've seen it suggested that it has to do with being flagged as underage, but that seems doubtful, as your Google Account will have your age listed.


Let's talk about safe sex in Europe. It's quite the big legal subject, but one needn't get into all the details.

I'll start with mine: Sweden

Fatherhood carries the responsibility for the childs livelihood, same as motherhood. A father who doesn't live in the same household as his child and/or isn't legal guardian will have to pay money to the child (or usually mother) until they are 18 or 21, depending on if they are still going to school. If the father does not pay, the government will pay instead, and then collect the money from him.

  • If a married woman is pregnant, the husband is legally the father. It doesn't matter if somebody else knocked her up. If a married man wants to challenge his fatherhood of a child, he will in practice need the cooperation of the actual father to prove that he isn't.

  • If an unmarried woman is pregnant, a man can sign up for fatherhood. If a man doesn't, social services will have to examine who the father is. This can be done through various methods and if they fail to ascertain who the father is, but the pregnant woman says who it is, it will be taken to court. In court, as far as I know, the burden of proof is nearly non-existant.

In all cases, if a man is legally determined to be the father of a child, but disputes this, or suspects he isn't, he will need the actual father to help determine that he isn't.

What's it like in your country?

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