
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago

The way i read it is how many call themselves severally obese. Not how many actually are. My guess is that many more are severally obese but dont identify as being so

[–] 80 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

The mom arguing that her daughter is under the influence of bad spirits, that prison won't help, and that only when god pours his spirit over her will the bad spirits flee.. welcome back to the middleages!

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

Almost got the working class look right.. just needs hi-vis west and steel tip boots

[–] 12 points 4 days ago
[–] 58 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (6 children)

hm.. not quite.. but it certainly has seen some ups and downs, that are larger than what happened this morning. This is a graph of "all time"

[–] 154 points 4 days ago (19 children)

not really news.. This is a 1 years graph.. its been going downward for some time

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I don't think this is true.

I agree that nobody can be neutral, but reporting news should at least try to be. It is basically just telling facts about what is going on in the world. I understand that being totally objective is not possible, but not trying, and reporting facts with an agenda is not a news source that I would take seriously

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

I know that it is not possible, but actively having an orientation just makes for bad journalism. Reporting on news from both sides, and not sensationalizing news or the way they are reported, should be key factors of any good source of news

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (5 children)

News sources should not have orientations. They should be neutral. If they have a political orientation they are not my favourite source at all

[–] 17 points 6 days ago (4 children)

That is one of the reason why many of us are not on reddit any more. Thanks for reminding us!

[–] 81 points 6 days ago (9 children)

I think that it is weird that you ask us and not your neighbour


Every day NMS has to update. Is this because I run it on Linux or is it just how NMS is? Today it was a 4,6 GB update


Is there a plug in that changes the wordpress functionality to include post types that only have an image or a video with a short text? Or also just notes?


I asked this company to close and delete my account, and they replied that they have closed it. They use a type of ticket system where you need to log in to their site to see replies.

I wanted to reply, to ask if they also have deleted my data, instead of just closing the account. In order to contact them, they will create a new account SMH


While traveling to a destination, I receive an incoming message to stop because there is something interesting here. I stop, and find half a freighter floating in space. There are no cargo holds (that i can see) to loot, there are no enemies and i can not land on it. What is so special with locations like these? What can/should I do here?


Today, i turned on my Mint pc and it wouldn't let me type in a passpowrd. Even the mouse was not reacting.

So i rebooted, got a massive text wall that mentioned something about not syncing

When i rebooted again, it wouldn't start up only a few rotations with the fans and then it restarts and repeats this loop

I assume that this is a hardware issue but what should i be looking into and how do i make the recovery as smooth as possible?


Over at ! we are struggling to fins out what these circular interconnected earth patches are

They are located slightly east of Le Bout De Taut (Coordinates: 50°27’07,38" N 1°38’34,17" E)

Link to the post @topview:


Waiting for the presidential debate feels like waiting for a train to crash. But how bad can it be?

What are your guesses at what will happen? I am curious to compare the answers to what actually happens tonight


I would have expected them to ask me to message them, in order to resolve the issue of not having access to my old email. Instead, they assume that I still have access to it, by simply contacting my email provider!

If I could do that, I wouldn't have lost access to it through would I?

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