You're too far gone.
is because of the greedy and entitled ANC run government.
That government has a constituency that keeps them in power.
I'm not a soldier at all.
I'm in the nation with the strongest military on the planet. You're the one who's trying to step up and pretend canada has a snowball's chance in hell at contending with the US in a real armed conflict.
So, you know everything that the news outlets have told you so they can make money off of your anger and sense of superiority.
When you were in the US, realistically how different was it from being in Canada? Be honest.
I can say that when i went to Canada as an American, it felt pretty much the exact fucking same. Lol.
I didn't get sick, though. I would absolutely support taking over Canada so you guys can help us get universal healthcare.
You're twisting your brain into knots to justify all the anti-american propaganda you've been fed by news outlets who profit off of your anger.
Come to the United States and see how out of touch you are with reality.
Imagine all those electoral college votes!
We'd never have another fascist president again!
You’re the one being overly influenced by social media when you’ve been so brainwashed by extreme American exceptionalism that you don’t even understand the concept of countries anymore.
Holy crap 😂
Cognitive dissonance is insane among you people. It's like you get physically distraught over the crowd being wrong because you can't rise above your herd mentality.
Anything to avoid admitting you let other people do your thinking for you.
This is the unfortunate reality.
These problems do not get solved because we do not care to solve them.
We only focus on distractions.
We should move towards direct voting.