
joined 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

My biggest advice when learning Rust is to use it the way you would use any other language. Learning about its advanced and unique features will likely distort how often you will be using or coming across them.

Rust is a very powerful and friendly language without using complicated things like boxes, dyns, refcells, rcs, arcs, etc. When you come across the need to use those features, they will make a lot more sense because you will see how they are relevant to your specific task at hand.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Literally the fact that Ukraine still exists means he’s doing a spectacular job.

I think you have, in fact, fallen for the widespread propaganda…or are trying to spread it.


[–] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Nobody wants to fight a losing war.

People don't want to lose their lives for oligarchs. Keep in mind, rich people are never sent to the frontlines.

It's the reality of war.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You can check out some of the footage on

This one really stuck with me.

Keep in mind, everyone, there are more atrocities going on in the world than what we see in the white-sphere.

[–] -1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

If you're looking for a free VPN, I've had good experiences with

[–] -4 points 3 days ago

That's what I thought.

Which is faster? (
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by to c/
let mut variable: Type;
loop {
    variable = value;


loop {
    let variable: Type = value;
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Seriously. Buying into western rhetoric is one of the stupidest things non-member nations can do.

They don't realize that westerners only look out for their own interests. If you're not part of their "in-group" then they will only use you for their gain.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Welcome to the propaganda war.

It's obvious most of this generation did not pay attention in social studies.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago

It's not looking good.

I suspect we'll see Ukraine concede out of nowhere because of how successful the censorship engine is in covering up their dire state.


It's not looking good, and it doesn't really make sense to fight a losing war.

How do the Ukrainian people go about even discussing surrender among themselves? I'd imagine any mention of it would be met with hostilities, perhaps even violence.

It's a shame because that lack of reasonable discussion can directly influence how many people die that could've otherwise been saved.


This came up in a playlist that was randomly playing. It sounds like a really popular song that I've heard before, but I'll never think of the name on my own.

Can anyone help me out?

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

They “harmed” other economies by undercutting them.

Isn't that just competition? It's providing a better deal for customers. That should be seen as a good thing.

The opposite would be colluding on prices like a cartel.

If the "other economies" want to compete, the business owners should have to lower their prices and take less profit as a result. Again, this is a win for customers because we're not on the same side as the businesses selling us things.

It really is a backwards world, lol. I genuinely believe it's because so many people have gotten raw deals but don't want to acknowledge they've been taken for a ride.

It's easier to fool them than to convince them they've been fooled.

[–] 10 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (1 children)

It's twice the amount you were complaining about, and there are bigger drives than the one I have.

Edit: I just realized he's probably talking about being stuck on 1tb compared to when we had 1gb drives. Then we had 100gb drives, then 500gb, then 1tb. He's probably commenting on why we don't have 100tb+ drives yet.

That's all I can think of, and my response would simply be there are diminishing returns to the exponential growth of hardware.

[–] -1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

It sure seems that way. Their "extended security maintenance" spam says that there are security updates that are only available if you "subscribe".

I asked the Linux community about this, and didn't get a straight answer (not surprised.)

It was enough for me to switch to Debian, though. There's no excuse for updates to be locked behind paywalls or sign-ups in the free software ecosystem.


I'm at the Elite Four, but my team is horribly underleveled. I don't know how I was allowed to get this far with a team that's so underprepared, but here I am.

Right now, all I can see is literally grinding wild Pokemon in Victory Road. Is there a better way?


Hopefully no issues crop up, but I'll let you know if they do!


I came from Java, so it kind of makes sense.

I'm glad the Rust devs thought to allow disabling non-snake_case warnings.

This language is actually really great and versatile. (I also use tabs instead of spaces)


I don't need anything special or pricey, just a basic controller that does basic controller things.

I've tried a few generic controllers, but they have issues with bluetooth, battery life, and automatically shutting off too early from idling.

Does anyone know of any generic controllers that don't have these issues? I don't mind if the battery life isn't the same or better than official controllers, but they shouldn't straight up lie about the capacity. It should be illegal.

Update: I ended up going with a generic PS4 controller from Walmart. The brand is Yuoy, which I am unfamiliar with but I'm willing to see for myself how good their controller is.

This is the one I got and so far I am satisfied. It's a bit heavier than the other generic controllers I have, which I hope is a sign of a bigger battery. The d-pad isn't quite as good as the legendary Sony d-pads, but I'm getting used to it. It's not nearly as bad as the 360 or logitech d-pads, for example. I think it's pretty good.

I'm also not having the issue with it turning off after 5 minutes of idle time. So far, it hasn't turned off at all from idling. I'm not sure if there's no auto-shutoff at all, or it may just be respecting my Steam setting to have it shut off after an hour of idle time. I don't feel like testing it right now.

So far, for $17 this controller seems to be acceptable. I'd still like to shut off the touchpad, but that's not really the controller's fault.

I will continue testing and update this if I have any issues. As it stands right now, I'm looking forward to getting another one and hope it's the same.

Update: I am having issues reconnecting the controller after I disconnect it with bluetooth. I need to go through the re-pairing process by holding the share button (select) and the PS button. The controller shows up as connected for a few seconds, then goes back with the other disconnected devices saying the connection failed. This is a big issue. I will try to see if I can find an easy fix, if not then this is enough to make me return the controller.

Here's a video documenting the issue:


I've had one thread locked and another removed for daring to suggest a free VPN.

What rules was I breaking? It looks like the mods are just censoring me without breaking any rules because they know they can get away with it.

Edit for when this post is censored:

There are proud consumers making up bullshit that "riseup doesn't want people using their VPN unless they donate, and they don't want people using it for torrenting."

That's complete malarkey pulled straight from their rectum. Here's a quote from the website that none of them read before spouting their nonsense: "This is an experiment to see if we can create a VPN service that is easy enough for everyone to use and that people will donate enough to sustain."

You guys are literally making up bullshit to justify why you're wasting money, then getting mad at and censoring anyone who tells you that you can be getting something for free.

It's an expected response, even among piracy communities unfortunately.

Consumerism runs deep.

Edit for the mod who locked this post after responding so I can't reply back (nice):

I'm not being any more abrasive than the people in my comments, which isn't breaking any rules. I'm also not off-topic, and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to peddle that lie.

Can you explain why my previous posts were locked/removed? Or do the mods just get away with censorship while I get punished for calling it out?

Reply to mod here because post is locked:

I locked the previous thread, because it was kinda offtopic and far from a constructive discussion

It was not off-topic, and the only people being non-constructive were those in the comments making up bullshit to justify their consumerism.

I’m not the one who locked this thread, but I can fully understand the decision, considering that there are 4 reports for this post alone

Cool. So you admit the mods will censor posts just because of reports? It has nothing to do with actually breaking any rules?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

I've been experimenting with some free VPNs, and it looks like Riseup is legit. I'm able to torrent on it without issue and the speeds are acceptable for my connection.

How come we don't recommend this more? Everyone is always saying "no free vpns," but how many of you have actually tried them? I feel like I've been wasting money on my VPN ever since I found Riseup.

Are we just being hustled by the viral marketers and their useful idiots?


I've used Godot, which works great but I'm wondering if there are other ways.

Does anyone have experience using Qt with Rust and Qt Designer?

Are there any other drag and drop options that you think are viable?

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