
joined 11 months ago
[–] 0 points 5 months ago (2 children)

What type of error is it? Time-out, blocked, ... ?

[–] 7 points 5 months ago (4 children)

When opening the developer tools and going to the Network tab, are there errors? (refresh the page to be sure everything appears in the tab)


Are there testable demos for alternative game engines?

Hello everyone.

I am getting interest in alternative game engines like Open3D Engine, Godot, Flax, Stride, Bevy, etc...
But I'm surprised how hard it is to find any "playable" demos of these. The only things I was able to find were screenshots and videos, but no proper executable that shows off their performance...
Do you know any demo for any alternative engine (by alternative, I mean, not Unreal or Unity) ?

Thank you :-)
(this is my first post on an ActivityPub community, sorry if I didn't post it the right way)


Are there testable demos for alternative game engines?

Hello everyone.

I am getting interest in alternative game engines like Open3D Engine, Godot, Flax, Stride, Bevy, etc...
But I'm surprised how hard it is to find any "playable" demos of these. The only things I was able to find were screenshots and videos, but no proper executable that shows off their performance...
Do you know any demo for any alternative engine (by alternative, I mean, not Unreal or Unity) ?

Thank you :-)
(this is my first post on an ActivityPub community, sorry if I didn't post it the right way)

[–] 3 points 11 months ago (1 children) If you are looking for a phone with an huge battery, CAT phones ("CAT" from "Caterpillar" - yeah, they make phones) can be interesting for you. You can choose one of them depending on how much you're ready to spend on it.

Otherwise, Fairphone 3 and 4 are good options as you can replace their battery when it dies, and they provide spare ones for as long as thhe device is supported (they support them usually much longer than most phones from other manufacturers, so far). I own a Fairphone 4 and it's very good. But maybe too expensive if it isn't your main internet/entertainment device.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (2 children) Oh, you're right! I didn't know about that. My bad 😄

[–] 19 points 11 months ago (4 children) for photos, Flickr also fits: it is owned by Yahoo since 2005

[–] 1 points 11 months ago (1 children) i think it'd be very intensive in terms of disk and network usage. Not only for the r/place-like host, but also for other Fediverse server admins.

[–] 4 points 11 months ago (1 children)

" la majorité des gens n’aurait pas besoin d’acheter un smartphone neuf, si seulement les mises à jour étaient faciles à avoir après 3 ans…"

Tout est dit en une phrase, je pense....