
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 1 month ago (14 children)

That doesn’t really answer my question. How does one get ublock origin on mobile?

[–] 55 points 1 month ago (33 children)
[–] 15 points 1 month ago (1 children)

No, we have crushing dystopian sadness at home.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago

That’s my guess. I get the impression that their “switch to eco friendly plastic” initiative isn’t going well, this might be an attempt to stretch the timeline (by using resold bricks they can manufacture fewer new ones). But totally an uninformed guess.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I’ve used most of the options for this and regardless of the tool I do a terrible job of actually coming back and reading anything in them. Instapaper would probably be my vote for the one I used the most though, connected to my kindle it was nice when I used to travel and could catch up on stuff on the plane. These days I use Inoreader for consuming feeds and it also has a good read later function.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Correct, and I’m familiar with the Wasteland games and they’re great. I was asking about the 3D games specifically. I remember starting Fallout 3 back on my 360 years ago and just not caring for it. I’ve always wondered if I should give another one a go.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Which modern Fallout game would you suggest for someone who loved the first 2 and generally prefers classic (and modern classic style) RPGs and deep stories?

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Yep, I was coming to comment that my company hired him for an event we had maybe 10 years ago. It was standard “work hard and you can accomplish anything” stuff peppered with HR friendly jokes and bits of the dance routine. It was weird though because most of the people there were either too young or too old to have any idea who he was or what video people were talking about.


The official ChatGPT app on iOS integrates really easily and nicely with Apples Shortcuts apps, so doing stuff like summarizing a web page in one click (without having to do API stuff) is super simple for anyone. Is there an equivalent on Android?

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Why do you love it? That I cannot answer.

Why did I do it? Because it is there.


Happy Barbenheimer Day.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I was initially thinking Huginn, but it doesn’t seem to have as much activity around it. You like it, plenty of flexibility?


I use HomeAssistant automations for all my home stuff, it has an official easy to add Node Red integration available. I played with it a little in the past but didn’t really see any value for me at the time. Now I’m looking to set up a new automation tool that’s not necessarily hardware/home type stuff, moreso the kind of thing you might use IFTTT for, but I want to self host. so for example scraping a webpage, extracting the content of an article, sending to an AI API for summary, then outputting as RSS. I was thinking about setting up n8n, but I wanted to see if maybe the HA Node Red would be just as good (I think it’s a fork right?). That way I don’t need to set up a new VM or anything plus it’ll be already integrated into my backups and proxy etc as part of HA.

So has anyone used both and could compare?


I use HA automations for all my home stuff, I’ve played with Node Red but didn’t really see any value for me at the time. Now I’m looking at automation that’s not necessarily hardware/home type stuff, moreso the kind of thing you might use IFTTT for, but I want to self host. so for example scraping a webpage, extracting the content of an article, sending to an AI API for summary, then outputting as RSS. I was thinking about setting up n8n, but I wanted to see if maybe Node Red would be just as good (I think it’s a fork right?). That way I don’t need to set up a new VM or anything plus it’ll be already integrated into my backups and proxy etc as part of HA.

So has anyone used both and could compare?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yep. And like like all his games it is good, it’s just nowhere close to how hyped up he got everyone before it came out. This article captures that particular fiasco quite well…

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

So my first day on the Lenny, guessing there’s a meme here?

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