
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Cool, can't wait for the first season to drop, everyone be pissed that it's not the original office, and then the series is abruptly cancelled after two seasons if they even make it to season two.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Hopefully you're doing better!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Everyone has a unique identifier. If you don't share that with anyone, how would they know who's vote it is? Couldn't the number be randomized and a new UUID provided on a routine basis?

Every American has a Social Security number, but it's not exactly like we're told to broadcast it to the world...... I don't see why something like that couldn't be implemented here using technology.

My point is the general ledger technology of the blockchain which would be beneficial here.

But of course this is all a pipe dream. America is damn near a Kleptocracy and both political parties have written laws to prevent a third political party from ever arising.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'd love to see that happen, But it's because America won't switch to a direct democracy. Instead we have a Kleptocracy run by corporations and the 1% who have power over both parties in America. However if it were possible to create a third political party where every member of the party earns only one vote maybe it would give people power back over corporations. But it's a pipe dream, I know it'll never happen.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (11 children)

I personally envision a future where we use blockchain technology to create a new direct democracy party in which every member has a unique identifier and the blockchain ledger system used to track polling data. Every individual member of the party would have one vote in each poll at ever level (federal, state, regional, etc) - for every single thing that gets a vote, and the elected politician representing that party would be required to vote based on the polling data.

Everyone would have access to a copy of the ledger to confirm their votes are counted accurately, and they can review polling data to confirm their elected politicians are voting based on polling data, and the representative would be replaced if they do not adhere to the results

[–] 19 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah, I certainly won't use any product associated with that muskrat.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago
[–] 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I've been so tempted to make and sell custom flags printed with pro-Biden/LGBTQ themes, then have pro-trump messaging printed on top using a water-soluble ink so that these idiots would hang the flags proudly like they always do........only to have the flags change completely the first time it rains hahaha. I'd love to see them frantically trying to pull down a flag in a rainstorm 😂

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Few years older than you, decided not to have children after considering our healthcare, the climate, politics, etc. Why would I ever bring a child into this hell?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The wheels of justice grind slow but they grind eternal.

Jack smith and others have watched the games played by Chump's lawyers over the years. They are crafting new charges based on how they anticipate the clown will play his cards (which lets be real, he never plays a new card aside from deny and deflect)

[–] 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Someone else recently explained it best: It's elderly abuse.

The entourage encircling these elderly congressional leaders are profiting greatly. As soon as these senators retire, these leeches lose nearly everything.

It's a Weekend At Bernie's movie plot, but with extra steps.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

That's what we need to do more often - mock these chuckfucks. Don't get angry/irritated because that's what they want, just point and laugh at them.


I'll be honest, I've always tinkered with ubuntu and even older versions of linux (Anyone remember Mandrake? Yeah I'm old lol), I had even built my own HTPC at one point many many years ago.

But I always encountered problems that frustrated me forcing me to eventually abandon the OS in favor of something new. For example, installing programs or drivers that weren't in the software manager GUI, checking USB and device connections, etc.

I was a windows guy and I hate to admit it. It was just "easier" so I usually took the path of least resistance to getting things working efficiently for my productivity needs.

But ChatGPT has really unlocked things for my novice self.

Everything from simple questions to fun ones. Like I had an SD card showing as empty, but I thought it had been formatted, so I asked ChatGPT how to recover lost data on the card, and it walked me through every step - I recovered a ton of data off that card.

I just installed Linux Mint on an older Lenovo laptop and it's awesome to have a fast portable laptop again.

I'm excited to dual-boot my older HP Envy AIO computer in the near future, windows 10 has become too buggy for my tastes lately.

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