Oof, thankfully it was mostly your ego that was bruised. At least you can laugh about it after the fact with that image of you carrying everything around stuck to your head.
Pixel 3
I am a die hard corded head phone user, so I am hoping some options will open up for next year's models. Not going to hold my breath though.
I think that's the core of the problem. I don't believe there are any laws or rulings addressing any of these issues. Of course congress won't touch on that subject without a complete overhaul of the way things operate in that dumpster fire (all of them). The only current method to remove a sitting president is through impeachment. Here's to hoping the current republicans have the berries to not nominate the cancer for 2024.
And the sad part is there are no laws preventing him from running and winning office if a guilty verdict was the outcome for any federal indictments. Who'd thunk it, the Forefathers didn't foresee this happening. Apologies for grammar.
Not disagreeing or agreeing, but it is an awesome piece of engineering. Build a monster gun and make it fly. Wish the government and public put this much effort into domestic projects. Much like the SR71
I still need to really take the App a test drive, but my initial observation is the inability to display in landscape. That's my own personal pet peeve with all Apps.