It will if the repos are specific to a fedora release version. That's been a thing with rpmfusion in the past, not sure it still is.
I use omnivore and I got this press release emailed to me, but the email also said:
First, all Omnivore users are invited to create a free account ElevenReader. Our team has already shipped valuable updates to the ElevenReader app, and it’s incredibly powerful as a go-to reader and audio listening app that’s free:
Next, all Omnivore users will be able to export their information from the service through November 15 2024, after which all information will be deleted.
So, it sure sounds like the hosted version of Omnivore is done..
I used to have issues with like rpmfusion repos and the like, worst case you may need to now the packages you have layered, do an rpm-ostree reset, upgrade, then layer the packages again. There's a way to install the rpmfusion repos that didn't break updates, I forget if they've updated the docs on the site to use it, I stopped layering almost everything in favor of flatpak or toolbx.
I just did it. You're in for a reboot. That's about it, unless you layered a bunch of stuff.
Ah, well, nevertheless
The worst. Feel better soon.
Army of Darkness
Because fuck you: Watcher in the Woods
This one right here.
Try "Devil in the White City" by Erik Larsson
I've been using it without but it's been less and less reliable that way.